Chapter 5. True love?

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*(Louis POV)*

Its the next day and i immediately think about my little study "get together". Thats the only thing thats giving me excitement for the day. I jump out of bed to and get dressed i look in the mirror and make sure i look presentable. Im wearing a varsity jacket with a plain white shirt underneath with some jeans to go with it. I grab my keys and head out the door.

I arrive at school with high hopes of the day going by fast so i can study with Harry. FINALLY the last class of the day comes, which is chemistry. And i see Harry sitting in his seat across the room. I start to stare at him unknowingly, luckily he doesnt see me until i finally look towards the front to hear Mr.Murry talking.

Today its all about stupid shit that involves oxygen and carbon dioxide.
I have no care in the world to even pay attention to what he is saying. Before i know it the bell rings and i catch up to harry on the way out.

*(Harrys POV)*

The bell rings and Louis runs up to me so we can just go to his place to study. He leads me outside to the parking lot and offers to drive me there, i say yeah and i hop into the car. We get to his house and my chin hit the floor, it was so big! I couldn't believe it!

He leads me inside with a welcoming tone. Maids say hello to him as we pass them to get to his room.

"Do you need anything to drink or eat"?" -Louis

"No thanks im okay"- i say

*(Louis POV)*

We are at my house at last! Ive been waiting for this for soooo long! We start studying right away. We start off with Maths then move on to chemistry. I dreaded the fact that i had to write that damn paper! While i write it i ask him for synonyms for words and ask it certain sentences make sense, he seems pretty cool about helping me with all of this.

At one point we decided to take a break from studying and we both sit on my bed. A million things were going through my mind as i was sitting there, i just wanted to pounce on him like a lion. I look over at him and i catch him looking over at me as well.

"Can i try something?" I say.

Before he gets a chance to talk i squish my lips into his and i quickly back off. I suddenly feel his hand pull my head back in for more. I have to admit i was shocked but i felt so happy. I pull back from harry trying to get a breath in, i look at him with a smirk across my face and he does the same.

"Wow, i didnt think you would react that way!"-Louis

"I am surprised as well, i didnt think i was going to do that either. But why did you do it?"-Harry

" I did it because i think i like you, like really like you"-Louis

"Thats weird because i didnt know you were gay... But yeah, i like you to!"-Harry

*(Louis POV)*

DID I REALLY JUST DO THAT?! And he like it?! My emotions get heightened and i feel a whiff of happiness come over me.

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