Five - Finding the Missing Pieces.

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 Every step I take, I just keep wanting to take them back. The effort to be here right now is burning me alive. My body feels like it's just going to give in and fall to the floor. I can no longer take it anymore.

I was propped up against the head rest of my bed, knees up to my chin and my arms holding them tightly, I hadn't moved. It's like i didn't even fall asleep. It's like I blinked. They'd just closed and reopened, i hadn't really slept at al. I looked over the the flashing red light on my alarm clock, 9:17. I fidgeted in my spot as I heard a soft knock on the wooden front door. I didn't want to move. I knew who it was. I knew where they were taking me. I knew what i had to do. I rolled lazily out of bed. Pulling the bottom hem of Harry's jumper down to cover my bum. I fiddled with the lock and opened it. Four pairs of warm eyes looking down at me. Slight smirks on their faces. It was a facade. I knew they were breaking inside. They were keeping strong, for me. 

"Hey babe, how are you?" Liam said looking down on me, swooping down to give me a light kiss on the cheek.

"I'm fine, thank you." I couldn't really speak. My throat was hoarse.

The rest of the boys came in giving me a kiss on the cheek also. Liam, then Zayn, then Louis and lastly Niall. I could tell that Lou and Niall weren't taking it as well as the other two boys. It was all in their eyes. The bright blue ones that were always happy, warm and welcoming, they were flushed red with sadness and longing. 

I flicked the button on the kettle and brought out five mugs. It was silent. Three sugars for Niall, Two for Zayn, Liam and myself, and none for Louis. I poured the boiling liquid into the about a third of the way full. Ran over to the fridge and picked up the bottle of milk, filling the last third of it. I handed each of the boys their tea, who were now getting cosy in my living room whilst watching last nights re-runs of the soccer. There was a chorus of thank you's and i nodded at each of the boys.

"So, are you ready for today?" Zayn said, breaking the silence that was actually deafening.

"I was cradling the cup of tea in both hands, looking down at it and blowing onto it. I looked up, tears rimming my bottom eye lids and shook my head.

"No." I said on the brink of exploding.

Niall, who was sitting next to me wrapped his arms around my waist, hugging me from the side. I put down my cup of tea and started to cry into the blonde Irish man's shoulder. It didn't take long before I could feel Niall's body jerking up and down, sobbing too. That set Lou off too. Zayn and Liam were really the only ones trying to stay strong, for the benefit of all of us. After a good five minutes of soaking Niall's black Jack Wills hoodie, I lifted my head and excused myself to go get ready.

The boys all nodded and i ran up to my room. I didn't take off the hoodie. I just slipped on a pair of black denim jeans that were shredded at the knees and slipped on a pair of my grey canvas shoes. I walked over to my vanity, and looked in the mirror. There was a monster looking back at me. I pulled out my brush from the second draw and brushed through all the knots, which were soon going to become dreadlocks, out of my hair. I walked over to the en suite and washed all the mascara that had been trickling down my face. I walked back over to my vanity, putting on a light coat of foundation and making sure to wear my water proof mascara. My eyes were sore from all the crying. I put some concealer on the bottom of my eyes, trying to mask the blackness that settled at the bottom of them. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail, putting the brush back into the second drawer and walking out of my bedroom to greet the boys again. 

They all half smiled as i walked out. Noticing i still hadn't taken off the hoodie. They nodded and i picked up my bag, walking out the door gesturing for them to come too. We all piled into Liam's car. His black SUV, with extra black tinted windows. The car ride to the Police Station was silent. I just looked out the window, watching as all the trees wafted past us, only to be forgotten afterwards. We pulled up to the Police Station making sure that no fans had camped out the front, luckily they hadn't.  I walked in clutching Niall's side as he brought his muscular arm around my shoulder, cradling me in his chest. The tears started falling from my eyes and there was nothing i could do to stop them. I cried silently as we walked through the doors.

"It's gonna be alright Tayla, it's gonna be alright." He said with his thick Irish accent.

We both knew it wasn't. We both knew.


Hope you liked this chapter beautiful people and thank you very much for reading this fan fic. I really hope you like it. I'm working on the next couple of chapters now so i'll post them in about an hour or so. I hope you're enjoying it.

Much love Tayla! X

That's when they took him from me. A Harry Styles Fan Fiction.Where stories live. Discover now