Forty Eight - You Know That I Could Use Somebody.

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The white plaster walled hallway of the hospital ward was eerily silent, although my shrill screams broke the empty silence of it. My screams echoed through the long hallway, bouncing off the walls and fading as the sound traveled to the furthest end, around the sharp corner. The sounds coming from my mouth are awfully distorted and I’m beginning to become scared of myself.

I bring my hands up to my head, hastily tugging at my curls, trying to process this all through my brain. I lean my forehead against the white plastered wall and begin endlessly bashing my fists into it. I can hear the plaster crumbling underneath the weight of my heavy fists and can already feel the bruises beginning to form on the edges of my rather large hands. I spin myself around, pacing helplessly across the empty hallway with my fists clenched still in tight balls, falling down shakily at my sides. I find my legs buckling from under me and I let my exhausted body slide down the cool white wall. 

I curl up in a tight ball, hugging my knees even closer into my body and dropping my head to rest on top of them. Fatigue overwhelms my body as I try to search for a breath, now becoming shaky as I try to heave the thin air into my lungs. I am shaking so fiercely that I feel as if I’m going to faint, my headache becoming even more severe as my brain seems as if it’s shaking in my skull. 

The stillness of the loud silence is suddenly interrupted as the uneasy footsteps of an unknown individual approaches me cautiously. I don’t bother to make my head leave my knees, as I sense the person kneeling down in front of me. The person places their hands on my shoulders and pulls me into their body. I fall into their arms with no sense of stopping, however still not knowing who the person was. They engulfed me without hesitation and wrapped their arms around me tightly. I nuzzled my head into their chest and sobbed helplessly. I inhaled the strangely familiar scent of their cologne and palmed their chest.

After a few minutes, the crying seemed to settle but my breaths still continued to come out in big ragged heaps. My body kept shuddering up and down as I tried to force the thin air into my breathless lungs. I finally let my head leave the comfort of the persons toned chest and wiped the tears away from my eyes. My eyes locked with the all too familiar bright blue eyes that I’ve missed so much. 

“She’s going to be fine.” The slightly higher pitched voice cooed, kneading their hands into my shoulders trying to calm me down.

“But what if she’s n-not Lou!” I retaliated as my breath hitched in the back of my throat, raising my voice to the slightly older boy who was standing in front of me with a worried expression plastered on his face.

“Harry, she’ll be fine.” He said calmly although worry flickered briefly in his ocean blue coloured eyes.

“Promise?” I asked as my bottom lip quivered. I tried as best I could to keep the tears from falling but to no avail they fell freely. It trailed down my cheek and Louis thumbed the clear salty substance from under my eyes. I took in a huge breath of air and told myself to calm down.

“Promise.” Louis assured me, looking me straight in the eyes. I exhaled shakily and told myself that everything was going to be fine, because Louis promised and I trusted him.

To know that Louis is still here by my side after all that has happened in these few short months in unbelievable. I faked my death for gods sake and he’s still here. I killed his band mate, his best friend, yet he’s still here. There are no words to describe how good of a friend Louis is to be able for me to do all that and for him to still stick by my side without hesitation. He’s my boo bear.

That's when they took him from me. A Harry Styles Fan Fiction.Where stories live. Discover now