Chapter 1

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Its been 2 years since Suman graduated from art school in Orange County , California and was visit her home back in Dehli  . Neeraj sent his two daughter Urvashi and Suman to America to live with their uncle Sameer to pursuit their education . Urvashi got into modelling and Suman got a college degree from arts and science. Both sisters parted ways once they started building their careers separately  .Urvashi lived in a condo by laguna beach and Suman used to stay with her uncle Sameer in Irvine , he was a retired pilot. Suman loved arts and crafts since childhood, her work always got appreciated so she decided to pursue a career in arts. She had her own art studio where she painted and kept all her work .

Ever since the day Urvashi caught pneumonia in childhood her parents were more protective and lenient towards her , this only made her to grow up as a spoilt brat . Suman sometimes felt ignored by her parents and painting was one way to release her emotions, it gave her a sense of peace .She discovered her talent in arts when her teacher chose her painting to participate in a contest . Since that day painting became her passion .

Suman was very mature in her teen years and took care of Urvashi whenever her mother was busy , but as they became adults they drifted apart .They had different approaches to life and sometimes had ego clashes .

Suman was staring out at the sunset from her room window and suddenly  came out her thoughts hearing her mother "Suman ..are you ready ?"

She smiled nodding her head, she was dressed wearing a beautiful lengha looking so stunning with her hair in a pretty up bun  .She was getting ready for her engagement ,she came back just for a visit but then got introduced to Aditya and soon was engaged .

"It would have been nice if Urvashi could have make it to your engagement .." Priya said little upset

"'I try to contact her but she's always busy ..I just gave up "Suman said finishing sliding her bangles on her wrist

"Aditya is here waiting downstairs.." Priya said drifting the topic

"I'm coming ...five more minutes."

Suman smiled remembering meeting Aditya through her parents , they both met in Dehli  .He travelled a lot due to business  and  he belonged to a wealthy  family ,they owned a hotel business across the US and North America. His parents were looking for a good rishta for their son and got introduced to her parents by far family members .. from there it all started .

. Suman thought he was a really nice guy always buying her and taking her out to dinners. Sometimes she did think he acted like a brat but then he did have a good sense of humour and knew how to charm a woman. Though she always had her limits, they would just hold hands or give each other hugs .Suman never had a relationship before, even though after studying abroad she knew her parents would want her to have an arranged marriage .

Both his and her parents thought it would be a good idea if they got engaged .Suman always thought of settling down and Aditya was the only guy she "dated" .The idea of getting engaged did make Aditya a little uneasy , he wasn't ready to settle down but he accepted reluctantly because his parents seemed to like Suman a lot .

Suman was happy getting engaged and thinking about settling down but sensed a disturbance in her heart . She didn't know if she loved him and never knew what love was because she never really experienced it before .

She  was about to walk out when Aditya entered her room .She didn't see him for 2 weeks ,he went to America for a business related event but promised to come back for their engagement..

"Aditya ?"Suman smiled yet confused

"Suman I cant do this .."

"I don't understand? What happened?" she said feeling tears on the edge of her eyes

"I know you will hate me for the rest of your life but ...I can't do this '"

Suman observed his expressions carefully "Your hiding something aren't you?"

Aditya took a deep breath "Suman ...when I was away for 2 weeks ...I met someone and I started to  really like her ."

Suman frown her brows feeling disgusted yet daggered her eyes on him

"I wanted to tell you earlier but '.I didn't know how to say it ..your parents already started the preparations for our engagement .."

Suman took a deep breath wiping her tears angrily , she couldn't believe this was actually happening,..

"Who is the girl you cheated with from me  ?"

Aditya clears his throat and rumbled something

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