Part 4

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The next day Suman was in her studio painting, a month ago she started making a portrait .She didn't know why but the image that kept flashing in her head had to be painted. She was filling in the colors on the portrait and a sweet smile crept up her lips .Suddenly her phone rang ..

"Hello ?"

"Hey ..its me "

"Shravan?" She didn't know why her heart was rejoicing so much

"How are you ?"

"I'm fine..You ?"

"great Thanks!"

"How did you get my number .." she asked confusedly

Shravan started laughing "I have my sources"

"Oh yes ! From Pushkar of course" She said feeling stupid

" Tell me did you eat anything ?"

"umm not yet .."

"Ok then open the door because I'm right outside your studio .."

"what!!!!" She panicked a little feeling butterflies in her stomach ..She bit her lower lips and shut her eyes excitedly .She then looked at the portrait and quickly covered it putting it in the back closet

"Sumo! Relax!" She told herself before opening the door Shravan stood there holding a bag ,he was wearing a perfect white shirt with his sleeves rolled up with black pants looking very handsome . She controlled her smile not wanting to seem to glad .

"Hey ..Come in .." She said wiping the paint off her hand with her cloth  .She had her hair in a loose bun wearing a colourful apron. "What brings you here in the middle of the afternoon?"

Shravan gave her an impish smile "Well Im on my lunch break so just thought to come see your studio and have lunch with you" He tried to say casual

"Well its always nice to have visitors"Suman said cleaning the table

"wow!!! Your studio is amazing!.." he said putting the bag on the table with his eyes roaming around the paintings .Her studio was so organised with different sizes of paintbrushes , card boards, canvas and all the color s of paint in the world!

"You like it ?"

"I'm speechless .." He walked towards the painting of India's landscape "Suman ..this is beautiful...It looks like Vridavaan "

"because it is " She said in a cute laugh


Suman felt so touched by his praises, since childhood she felt like her passion in art was ignored , no one seemed to care . But Shravan seemed so fond about them making her smile serenely .

"papa , papa!!"Little 8 years old Sumo ran to her father excitedly with her drawing and a gold medal !

Neeraj was getting ready to go out to pick up some medications for Urvashi "Not yet Suman Beta"

Suman looked down sadly but then ran to her mom in the kitchen excitedly "Ma! Ma! Look what I got!"

Priya was making some soup for Urvashi who was in bed sick , ever since she got treated from pneumonia ,she was being center of attention ! Suman always felt left out and ignored ,but was always a good big sister . She would make Urvashi laugh and make beautiful paintings for her, get well soon cards and flower bouquet from the back garden .

"Not right now Suman ,Urvashi is not well I have to give her some soup. Yours is on the table"

Suman watched her mom quickly go in Urvashi's room .She pursued her lips sadly looking down at her painting and medal. Suman never complained because she knew her sister needed the attention from her sick health .She went in her colourful room putting her 3rd medal on her desk and taped her drawing on the wall.

Suman watched Shravan explore her studio and praise every frame ,her eyes softened on him as she got another flashback

Few months ago in India

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