Part 6

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Pushkar was all settled into his new apartment, he had lots of help from his family with the moving. In few more weeks they were all ready to leave for India ,so he organised a small get together with his friends at a Cafe bar to meet Preeti and hang out one last time before he gets married.

Suman was wearing a nice dusky pink dress going to her knees with high heels. Her hair was up in loose bun looking really pretty with minimal makeup .Shravan was wearing a black shirt fitting his perfect chiselled body. They both were complementing each other and obviously finding each other very alluring. Shravan kept shooting glances at her as she was talking to Preeti and meeting Pushkar's friends.

He sat at the bar table ordering a drink then felt someone tap his shoulder .He turned and saw Neha a girl he studied with in college .She was gorgeous with beautiful long hair, wearing a short dress with a deep V neck .

"Hi Shravan!" She said giving him a hug .

Shravan smiled casually hugged her back "Hi how are you?"

"Im good ,I hear your a lawyer now" she said getting comfortable sitting beside him

Suman looked back and noticed Shravan with a beautiful woman ,who seemed to be flirting with him .She frowned her brows seeing the girl was rolling her hair and laughing hitting his arm flirtatiously  . She quickly got a hold of Pushkar "Pushkar ,who's that ?" Preeti looked on as well

"OH ! That's Neha an old friend "

"Doesn't look like a friend " Suman said watching annoyed seeing Neha hold Shravan's arm as if she was praising his muscles

"Pushkar you never talked about her" Preeti asked confused

"Listen guys I sent a mass invite to everyone on Facebook .I knew her in college so , I guess she also came "

"Its obvious she didn't come for you .". Suman stated irritated

"Well...she did have a thing for Shravan Bhaiya in college.". Pushkar admitted sheepishly

Suman pursed her lips feeling jealous, she was affected that another girl could come on to him like that!

"You mean, they dated ?" Preeti asked as Suman expressions sunk down

"No, but she was part of our friend circle"

"Do you think Shravan would be interested in her now ?"Suman eyed Shravan

Pushkar started laughing "No way! She's not Bhaiya's type, she use to try to make him jealous but it never worked. He was never interested"

Pushkar got distracted hearing his friend call him from the table and dragged Pretti along. Suman took a deep breath and walked towards the bar table starting to hear more of their conversation. Suman was annoyed at him, why didn't he just tell her to get lost! She stood behind him eaves dropping their conversation cutely

"Shravan, you really didn't change your jokes are still as funny "neha praised

Suman murmured "He's not that funny" thankfully they didn't hear her

Shravan just smiled "Well, sometimes I'm told that I need to work on my jokes "A small smile lingered on Suman's lips knowing he was talking about her  . He has a good sense of humour but sometimes his jokes can be lame and enjoys teasing him with that .

"You know I really miss hanging out with you" Neha said with a deep tempting tone

"I don't "He stated bluntly sipping on his drink

"OH !stop being such a grump!"She hit his arm playfully"Come on Lets hang out later and cherish the good times we spent together"  She said coming close to him.

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