Part 5

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One evening Preeti and Suman went over for a movie night, they decided on a scary movie .The Conjuring ! Suman was in there kitchen helping Vandy make popcorn and get the snacks.

"OMG! These caramel popcorn you made are sooo good!" Vandy said munching on them

Suman smiled warmly "I put some on the side for Ariya" she said sweetly "Im glad I got to spend little bit of time with her before she went to sleep"

"Thank you for putting her to bed, the fairy book you read her to her worked like magic!"

"Guys hurry up!" They heard Pushkar calling ,the girls came to the living room seeing everyone already cozy on their spots on the couch .Suman sat next to Shravan giving him the bowl of popcorn "All for me!"

"you have to share!"She said hitting his arm lightly. He chuckled as she sat comfortably against the arm of the couch. The movie started it was getting more and more scary .Shravan stopped eating his popcorn and chuckled seeing her blocking her ears and squinting her eyes. Suddenly the leading lady of the movie got possessed by a demon and popped out the door.

 "AHHH" VAndy scram making Suman jump and hide her face behind Shravan holding his arm .The boys started laughing seeing the girls getting scared

"Shhh, Ariya is going to wake up" Varun scold to his wife

"Why did we have to watch this movie!"she complained "Im going to have nightmares "

"Is everything ok on your side Shravan?" Pushkar asked embracing his fiance .

Shravan chuckled looking at suman who didn't dare come out her hiding spot

They all started laughing as Suman cutely moved away from Shravan "Im ok , im ok"She said composing herself .How he wished she could just snuggle with him! But she didn't want to cross her boundaries with him especially when they weren't even in a relationship

The movie just kept intensifying making her get closer to him Shravan was loving the way she would hold his arm or hide behind him unknowingly. Suman heard some noise from the wall and swallowed anxiously and neared him "Shravan what's that noise ?"

A mischief smile came across his lips "You didn't know,we have ghost living in our house"He held in his laugh seeing her innocent eyes widened up freaking out


"Shhh guys watch the movie" Pushkar said not moving his eyes from the screen

"Dont worry they wont hurt you as long as you don't give them the attention" Shravan whispered in her ears

Suman was completely freaking out and leaned against his chest hugging him tightly .Shravan grin jubilantly putting his protective arms around her .She stayed in the position the whole time not daring to move away from his comfort.They both could feel the warmth emanating from their bodies , it felt right and blissful . When the movie finished she moved out his hold before anyone saw . He gazed on wishing she could stay in his arms forever. Everyone were cautiously getting up after the scary movie looking around cautiously 

"Is your house haunted ?"suman asked slowly

Vandy and Varun share a confused look "No why you ask?"

"You heard the noise from that wall right?" Pushkar smiled amused

Suman nodded glancing at Shravan who was hiding his smile

"Oh! Its the pipes that make that noise ,the plumber is coming this week to check it out" Varun Cleared

Suman heard Shravan laughing realizing he was teasing her! She gave him a cute annoyed expression and took the pillow hitting him .

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