Part 7

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Few days later Shravan picked Ariya from the day care , he held her on his shoulder with her hand over his head..She always enjoyed sitting on him ,she would get a nice view because of his height .

"what's that stickiness on your fingers? Is it jam?"

Ariya giggled "No's the strawbebbies I ate "

Shravan could feel the stickiness in his hair "Now because of you my head is all sticky" He said teasingly taking her off his shoulder and tickling her ..She laughed hanging over his broad shoulder.

He entered the house and told her to wash her hands while he made something for them to eat .Spending time with Ariya was definitely a stress buster and kept his mind off things ...

"Chachu! can wee go see Suman chachi?"ariya said taking off her school bag

Shravan was also missing her,its been more than 3 days and still he didn't hear from her . She said she needed time to think about their relationship .But it was getting him restless .

"Sorry Ariya not today maybe next time ".. Ariya nodded not wanting to bother her chachu and went to her playhouse outside .

Pushkar came in "Hi ! I just came by to pick up some boxes I left upstairs"

"Sure ,soon I will have to start packing too I signed the papers for the Stillview Condo"

"Congrats Bro! Finally it took them 3 years to build that building!"he sat on the kitchen stool munching on the grapes.

"I mean ,I would definitely love to get settled soon" . The only girl he can imagine his life with was Suman

Pushkar saw a slight gloominess to him"Well I spoke to Preeti ,she told me that Suman parents are receiving lots of Rishta for her"

Shravan clutched his jaws together thinking about Suman with someone else, he felt annoyed

"They obviously want her to settle down ,so like a typical desi family a search for a groom is going on"his cousin informed 

Shravan could feel his inside boil with anger, he never felt so possessive for a girl the way he was for Suman . It was like she was only for him and couldn't see her with someone else .It would probably shatter him .

" so she can get disowned again! No Im not going to let that happen Pushkar!"

Pushkar gave him a obvious look "Well you don't have to act all macho , Suman boldly told her parents that she already has someone ,so they backed off "he explained calmly

Shravan whole mood changed and smiled "I know she loves me! "He said confidently thinking about the kiss they shared in her studio .It was definitely a declaration of love from both sides.

Suman was in her studio finishing her painting with flowers. Its been a 3 days she hasn't seen Shravan and already aching to take the phone and call him .As soon as he left her studio the other day she realised how bad it made her feel. Why was she so confused at that time so many feelings were going through her head..But the only whisper her heart was telling her was to hug him and never let go !

What was she afraid of , she knew Shravan wouldn't ever hurt her and could clearly see in his eyes that he loves her immensely .Suman felt so bad doing this to him, she was being selfish not once thinking about him ..She had tears in her eyes all he very did was put a smile on her face. He was so caring and sweet to her never once did he complain always appreciated her..She was missing him dearly and yearned to run in his arms.

She then remembered their first kiss  shyly and had to admit that  it felt heavenly .Her heart wouldn't allow her to back off and just melt in the kiss . She felt complete when they were together. She never thought a kiss could leave her craving for more, this only could happen with shravan.
Later in the day

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