Part 9

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Few days passed, Shravan didn't feel as lonely despite his family not being there because he had Suman. One afternoon Shravan was walking out a meeting when he heard his cell phone ring, it was Suman .He smiled entering his cabin

"Yes Madam what can I do for you" he asked with a smile

" Suno..". She started to say cutely

"Hmm Bolo "he sat on his chair

"I need coriander, onions and a packet of garam masala" She said roaming around her kitchen

"Aur Kuch ?"

"hmmm Tum!" she said with a slight blush hanging up

Shravan couldn't hold back his chuckle loving her cuteness. He came to her apartment after running few errands for her!

"Hi! Thank you so much" She said getting on her tippy toes and placing a kiss on his cheek

"Anything to eat my favourite paratha" he said running his hand through this wet hair

"Is it raining outside?"

"Yup...looks like its going to get worst!!"

He got himself a towel drying his hair; she had to admit he looked very dashing in his wet hair. She was boiling the potatoes

"Look in that bag on the table, there's something for you to wear" She said from the kitchen

Shravan took out a black shirt from the bag "You got it for me?"

"Yup! You could wear it before you catch a cold "She said looking at him through the door connected to her living room.

"Thank you!" He turned sideways unbuttoning his shirt , Suman unknowingly got glimpses of his perfectly build body , every muscles was arched to perfection .He threw his shirt on the chair making her get a complete vision of his bare torso and perfectly sculpted abs .She seen him shirtless before but not this close, she noticed every detail each bulge and arch of muscles. It's not the first time she's seen him like this but felt a unknown urge to drag her hands down his torso and feel his muscle and warm skin .This thought made her heart paste faster and make her cheeks turn pink! As Soon as he wore his new shirt, she quickly looked away with her lips curved up shyly. Shravan somehow felt her checking him out but when he looked up at her back was turned .He looked on cheekily walking in the kitchen.

"It fits perfectly, thanks"

 She was trying to get her brain back on track after seeing her boyfriend shirtless in her living room! "Well, I thought the color would look nice on you" she said finding him looking dashing in the black t-shirt.

They started peeling the potatoes and getting into interesting conversations about family dynamics in each of their households. There was laughs and teasing going on as they talked about their homes in India. He stood just watched her as she was cooking fresh paratha's in her pink camisole and matching pj .Her hair were tied in a loose bun looking so pretty..He couldn't stop adoring her and making her aware, she was loving getting his attention .He noticed some flour on her forehead and wiped in off chuckling finding her cute. He was helping her fry the paratha as she made few other fresh ones.

They both sat down and Suman made him taste the paratha with her own hands. After having the first morsel he kissed her hand "Truly Sumo you have magic in your hands .It's delicious!"

"Really?" She beamed as he fed her a morsel...

They both fed each other chatting away not seeing the time pass. They both were already acting like a married couple, Shravan ended up at her house a lot, watching movies and cuddling on the couch but he never slept over.

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