Part 8

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Shravan and Suman were very opened about their relationship .The whole family knew about them and were so happy .Nirmala couldn't wait to meet Suman ,they talked on the phone a couple of times . Priya and Neeraj were surprised to hear this but from what they knew he was a good guy and thats all they wanted for their daughter .She sounded so happy when she spoke to them on the phone. They put a full stop in a search for a groom for their daughter, they trusted her decision and were open to the idea of making Shravan their Son in law.

Things were going very smoothly with Suman and Shravan , their love just blossomed day by day ...Always talked on the phone as often as they could and meet up almost everyday ...He would take her to the movies and spent time in her studio after work ..

Sometimes she would baby-sit Ariya and they would always find something fun to do every time and with this Shravan would have an excuse to meet Suman.

One beautiful evening Shravan came to Suman's studio to spend time with her.

They slowly talking about their relationship rules "What about sleepovers ?" He asked

"Sure but sleeping on different beds! And don't you ask why! "She warned knew that mischievous glint in his eyes ready to tease her shy smile

He just smiled nodding obeying like a good boy "Yes Mam your wish is my command"

" when we argue ,we don't go to sleep without resolving the matter!"

Sumo continued"No taking off your shirt in a crowed filled with girls ,like you did at the beach!"

"ohh, so you were checking me out at the beach?" He teased

"Shut up Shravan, Im serious"

"Sumo its a beach ,I'm obviously going to take off my shirt"
"Ok fine but only when Im around!" she warned cutely

"Done! Anything for my cute possessive girlfriend" he said kissing her cheek
She rolled her eyes with a flush ,yes she wanted him only for herself and was glad he realized that!

"Now my turn, No flirting with other men! "he added

"I don't flirt with other men! "She defended

"I know but just putting it out there just in case you try to make me jealous and trust me you don't want to see that side" He warned

"The only person I would actually feel comfortable flirting with you" She admitted

"Oh Yaa, like you did at the cafe bar , calling me sexy and wanting to spend some lonely time with me" He teased in his husky voice

"I didn't mean all that , I was imitating your friend Neha!" Suman rolled her eyes annoyed

"First of all she never called me sexy and second of all I know everything you said you meant it "he affirmed

"No I didn't!" her reply was playful ,they argued back and fourth

"I actually wouldn't mind if you flirt with me just like you did at the cafe.You hot doing it ,calling me sexy "He teased yet with a glint of naughtiness .

He always knew how to fluster her, but she wasn't going to fall for it

"Oh really mean like this "She said sitting his lap boldly and starting tracing his face with her finger ,ever so slow. She could see his eyes turning intense and swallowing hard making his adam apple bounce downward. He had his arms wrapped around her waist holding her close .She smiled seeing him totally lost in her eyes coming close to lock her lips  , she then  playfully smeared red paint over his cheek and laughed moving away!

"I have to finish my work first" She teased playfully but loved the fact that she was able to make him in a complete daze .

Shravan shook his head seeing realising she was just flustering him like he does to her sometimes.

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