Part 3

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The weekend finally arrived Suman went to her uncle's little town house,it was a small cozy house with a small garden area with a patio. She went early to help Preeti cook and clean the house . The sun was still bright at 6:00pm and a nice comfortable temperature. They set the table outside on the patio and arranged pillowed chairs around ...The girls went upstairs to get freshened up and change.

Preeti got dressed wearing a peach color anarkali looking cute and Suman also wore a bleu anarkali with her long brown hair straightened over her shoulders they both looked beautiful in their Indian clothes . Preeti had already met few members of the malhotra family except  Shravan  and  her father already met Pushkar before so it wasn't going to be much nervousness around .

It was Suman first time meeting Pushkar's family , they seemed nice from what she heard from Preeti .She went downstairs in the kitchen warming up the dishes.Suddenly she heard the door bell and heard a little excited child. She quickly went to the living area as they were walking in and  greeted them warmly with Preeti

"Hi girls! This is for you Preeti!" Vandy said giving her a gift bag

"Thank you so much .."

"Hi Suman!" Pushkar said giving her a side hug and he introduced her to his family greeting her warmly

Suman was still standing in the hall near the door. Suddenly her eyes widened up seeing Shravan's tall figure walk in .He was wearing a black undershirt with a blue jacket looking very dashing .She stared on shocked yet confusedly happy to see him .The corner of his lips curved up seeing her reaction

"Hi " He said in a husky voice

She blinked cutely looking up at him "Hi.."

Pushkar saw this and grinned " Uncle , this is my cousin Shravan .."

Sameer smiled "Nice to meet you Please come in Beta..."HE said shaking his hand guiding him in the living area ..Suman stared on watching him in disbelief ,she couldn't believe he was related to Pushkar!

The Malhotra felt very welcomed ,Varun and Pushkar were talking to Sameer with much respect and Preeti was opening the gift with Vandy excitedly. Shravan was holding Ariya on his lap as she was playing on his phone .He looked at Suman raising his brows and she got the message that he was very well aware of all of this!

"Suman beta , get some drinks for them .."

She  nodded as Preeti joined her in the kitchen ,she noticed her cousin lost as she was placing the glasses on the tray

"What happened Di?"

"Preeti , remember the guy I told you about ,in India .."

"Ya.."Preeti became more cautious

"Well , Shravan is that guy and he's Pushkar's cousin!" She said biting her lower lips

"What! Pushkar did tell me about him but never got the chance to meet him because he was in Texas for one month  .."

Suman needed to tell her something more "Preeti I met him again the other day ,he wanted to buy my painting"

"What! Why didn't tell me that before!"

"I know , I just ..." They heard Sameer calling Preeti and she walked away .Both girls tried keeping themselves composed and kept a smile .

Suman came in the living room with Mango juice and Shravan gazed on adoringly as she was passing the drinks .Ariya was so happy that she got a butterfly cup from Suman in a such friendly way and  started liking her finding her very pretty !They all chatted amongst each other while Suman sat next to Pushkar "Your cousin is really sneaky isn't he !.."

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