July 27 - December 5, 652-653 a. Sebastian

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27 of July, 652 a.Sebastian: My Birthday

It's my 17 years old birthday, my older sister gave this diary to me, she said this may help me with my feelings since I can't get out the castle alone and don't have friends.

I don't know how to start a diary, so I will start talking about myself.

My name is Hydra, I'm a mermaid, I'm 17 years old, blue hair, purple eyes just like an amethyst, white skin, a bit pale to be more exactly, and a blue tail.

I live in the dimension of Unda, there is just some islands and a huge ocean. We know about other dimensions, but because of the first war, the war of the gods that happened a few years before I was born, we don't have more contact with other dimensions.

My dad, the king Sebastian, is the most powerful triton in any dimension, he is just a bit away because he is always busy. I have others 35 sisters, I didn't get any brother (sad), I'm the youngest. My older sister, Melanie, is 47 years old if I'm not wrong, it's kinda hard to remember everyone's age. Melanie is the only sister who really stay close to me, and the one who gave me this diary, she is like the best person someone who would met.

She is not married, which is sad, I would like to have a new brother or sister. She has a brown hair, white skin, a bit tan than mine, but just a bit, green eyes, a green and big tail, she use a necklace with a green gem, she says it's magical and protect her from danger.

I think it's that for now, my dad is calling me for dinner, I need to dress my ceremonial clothes, which is really ugly. I hope I get 20 years soon, than I can chose my clothes.

28 of July, 652 a.Sebastian

I just woke up, I needed to write about last night since I got asleep. All my sisters were there, which is great since some of then live in other countries in this world.

Yeah, we have other kingdoms under water. It's kinda amazing since I just read about it in our books that are like a magic tablet, we have records from a lot of dimensions before we got disconnected. I read everything that was there, about other civilizations, machines, people, cities, races, the other dimensions are so amazing! I hope I can meet some dimensions one day, it's like to discover something new.

I never got out of here, so I just go around the castle or stay on the library the whole day, I want to meet the city someday, os maybe the islands, I imagine if there is someone, maybe a human, with feets and nice clothes, here we use things like underwear, or the ceremonial dress, and it's horrible.

I never went to the city, but I saw some pictures from there that my middle sister takes. Nina is a photograph, she likes to show them to me when she come home, she is nice, but not so nice like Melanie.

It's already night, I was in the library the whole day, Nina showed me some of her picture with her husband, he didn't come because he was busy in his kingdom. He looks to be a nice guy, I think they can be a good couple.

Oh, I'm thinking about my diary, maybe I will only write one page per day, since it's not so big I need to keep more pages, or maybe I just gonna ask Melanie to give me other of these.

Well, it won't be a good idea, she said i need to keep this until the next birthday, and then she will give me a new one. I need to save many pages I can.

November 28, 653 a. Sebastian

There was a long time since I last wrote something in this diary, I ended getting busy and forgot about it. Ana remembered me about it and I decided to write something again. I'm having a bad time after Mira died, she was sick and couldn't resist. I heard people saying she was poisoned.

She was the only one who lived with me, now Melanie is moving to the castle to be more close because the others live in other kingdoms with their husbands, me and Melanie are singles yet. I don't know when I'm gonna meet my husband, I hope it's not an annoying guy like Safira's husband. He is really annoying, she only married him because dad said she had to, she didn't had a choice like my other sisters.

I hope my dad treat me different, he is already doing it, but I don't know what he is planning since he only see me in my birthday.

I hope he will be better with me.

November 30, 653 a. Sebastian

The funeral was today, it was really sad and my dad wasn't in there. Melanie was by my side the whole day in the library, I was reading the books Mira liked to read with me, a big part of then are about Fragment's Users, she liked to call them "Creator's Chosen". She believed someone above all the gods has created than to help each other. She liked to read about Ancient weapons created by the Creator, weapons that could kill the gods and rule the worlds. She really liked to read about wars and other dimensions. She was someone special to me.

I hope she is happy, whenever the creator took her soul.

December 5, 653 a. Sebastian

My dad is locked in his room for two days, Melanie tried to talk with him to get out, but he didn't listen. I head back to the library after lunch, I want to finish that book I was reading yesterday.

Something strange happened to me...

After I left the library, someone tried to take me, it was scary. They put me in a bag and was taking me to somewhere. I closed my eyes scared. When I opened then again, Melanie had opened the bag, all the intruders was dead outside the castle. They were with their body destroyed, I remember to see one of then alive and he said my sister was a monster.

She is not a monster! The monster are people like them who try to destroy my family and killed my sister! I hope one day I can make justice! Just like Melanie do!

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