The Future?

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Elisabeth finished killing the god, she said sorry for Stella after see how mad she was, but Stella remained silent.

We came back to our base, Stella went to her room and locked herself inside. I hope she get better soon. Everyone got to his room, only me and Elisabeth are in the main room.

- Hydra. - Elisabeth calls me.

- Yes?

- Is her family ok?

- I think they are, just one of her sisters who saw us runned away, but... I don't know what may happen next.

- We never know. - She looks sad. - I'm going to talk with her latter, now, let's try to make a room for you. Do you have an idea how to use your powers for this?

- Maybe.

- Try it. - She point towards a space close to Wallace's room.

I go close the wall, touch it and try to imagine a room. I remember the one I had in the castle, it was blue with a white bed and some plushies on the ground. I feel something through my arm, I open my eyes and there is a door.

- Good, try to open it. - Elisabeth says.

I touch the door knob, it's cold. I open it slowly, the room is exactly how I imagined. There is a window where I can see the same vision I had when I lived in the castle, a white city in distance with fishes and plants more close.

- Nice, I'm happy you didn't imagined the water. - She smile. - Now, enjoy your room.

- Thanks. - I turn towards her with a smile and she closes the door.

I keep looking to my room, it's incredible what these fragments can do. I sit on my bed and I hear someone hitting the door.

- Hydra, are you there? - I hear Wallace's voice.

I go to the door and open it. He is holding my diaries.

- You left it in my room.

- Oh, you got my diaries, thanks. - I take them but he keep staring me.

- Hydra, I... - He stop.

- What? - I say a bit surprised.

- Nice room. - He says smiling. I don't think he was going to say this.

- Don't change the subject, tell me what you wanted to say!

- I... - He turn his face away. - I read one of the diaries, maybe the last one.

- You what!? - I say angry. - Why you read it!?

- When I got this, it turned on, and... Sorry, you should read by yourself. I don't want to tell something you may don't want to remember. - He turns away and go back to his room.

I sit on my bad staring the last tablet. I'm kinda curious to know what made he nervous. I turn it on, it starts in July of 688, 36 years after the first diary. For how long I've been writing this?

If I had 17 when I started, 36 years later... I have 53 years old!? It can't be! I still look young like 24 years old. I need to keep reading to know about it.

Hydra - The Army of Undead Wielders - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now