Work to do

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I finished my breakfast and went to our main room again. I'm still holding my diaries while we are talking in there, I don't want to keep then away, but maybe I can keep with Wallace when I need.

- What we have for today? - Marx ask with his leg over the table.

- Well, we are going to invade a dimension in a few hours, we need to destroy three cities and one sanctuary, probably there is a god I need to fight. - Elizabeth answer reading a paper on her hand.

- Wait, we are going to fight a god? - I ask surprised.

- We have power for this. - She smile at me. - Since you don't know how to use your powers properly, you are going to be in the backline with Wallace and Stella, use your bow to kill anything in our way.

- Are this right? We are going to kill a god and you are going there with Marx.

- Actually, she is going alone. - Marx answer. - I'm going to stay in the outside blocking the other to interrupt to fight and sealing Elizabeth and the god inside.

- You are going to fight alone!?

- Yeah, that's how we do. - She smiles.

- How are you going to kill a god without a weapon from the creator!?

- Oh, so you already know about those? - She looks at me surprised.

- Yeah, I know about them. One of my sisters liked to read about them.

- So, you probably know about Azura, right?

- Are you saying the shield? I thought it would be useless.

- He is not useless, is just a bit shy and like to eat somethings.

- Wait, he?

- Yeah, did you not know the weapons can turn into person too? They are weapons from the creator, they can do pretty much everything a god can do, but only someone they chose can use it.

- Are you saying that you had being chosen by one?

- Yeah, Azura is a big shield who can absorb everything he touches, but he absorbs part of my vitality. Since I'm immortal and can regen my body, I can use him however I want.

- How did you met him?

- It's a secret. - She smile. - If i tell this to someone, probably they would really die in the first try.

- Is it so dangerous?

- Not even Shin could get one, he knows about mine, but Azura don't want to meet him.

- So, there is more or we just have to do the invasion? - Stella ask looking bored.

- Only this, we have four hours before start and we have 24 hours to destroy two kingdoms and find the sanctuary in the third one.

- Ok, I'm going to prepare a few things for Hydra. - She stand up and go to her room. I can hear the sound of the locker.

- She liked you. - Marx laugh.

- Yeah, probably she really liked you. - Wallace laugh too.

- What are you talking about? - I ask confused.

- About you. - Elizabeth laugh. - Stella is happy to have someone new in our squad, she just don't show this, but she is happy.

- How do you know that?

- Because we can notice the difference after you appeared here. - Marx smile. - I noticed how she looked at you when I was trying to get your tablets, normally she would try to get you and use as a experiment, but she just stared you like she was curious, but for something else.

- In the past, she was interested on me, but I refused. - Elisabeth comes close to me. - If i liked girls too, probably someone with a blue hair like yours would be the ideal.

- What are you saying? I...

I don't know what to say, can't remember about liking anyone.

- Calm down boys, you are making she nervous. - Wallace says smiling. - Let's wait for Stella to tell, just be careful to not be attacked by her, even we are not used to see her not crazy as she usually is.

- Attacked?

- Yeah, she is older than looks and her life was not that good, different from us, she hasn't lost her memories and don't know how to act in some circumstances. She is like a teenager, but at the same time, she knows how to act when it is needed.

- What I have to do now?

- Just wait for it. - Elisabeth smile. - And don't worry about if it's too early for a relationship here, since we don't know when this war is going to end, it's better for us to enjoy while we can.

- It's easy for you to say.

- It's easy to do too.

- So why everyone is single?

- I'm not. - Wallace stand his hand. - I'm married with a woman from Baltier's squad.

- And I like to be single. - Marx says. - I sleep with some girls from other squads sometimes, but only after a mission.

- And I'm single because anyone like the person who I'm. - Elisabeth says with a creepy smile again.

- But you said Stella liked you.

- Yeah, it was one hour before she saw me killing a god. He trapped she in our third mission, so I needed to overextend my limits. After that, she started to say she changed her mind, but wanted to train to be stronger and don't let this happen again.

- What happen when you overextend?

- It's something bad, never wish to see that. - Marx answer.

- Be careful about what you wish. - Wallace says too.

- Come on, this place is already lost, how bad can it be? - I say curious.

- Let's forget about it. - Elisabeth stand up and goes to her room.

- Sorry... - I say feeling bad.

- That's ok, just never talk about it. - Marx stand up and goes to his room. - Remember, never put pressure on Elisabeth, she has pressure enough on her shoulders. - He shut his door.

- Are you going too? - I say to Wallace feeling guilty.

- Well, I like to stay in my room, can you make yours?

- Make my room...?

- Oh, yeah, you don't know how to use your powers properly. You can stay on mine until we need to go.

- Thanks.

Hydra - The Army of Undead Wielders - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now