September 30 - October 7, 654 a. Sebastian

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September 30, 654 a.Sebastian

It's Melanie birthday, but my other sisters didn't come today, it was only me and she hunting some fishes with ours bows, I'm starting to get really good on it. We had some problems since the kingdom is starting to get in crisis and we don't know how to fix it, but even so, Melanie decided to go out with me.

October 1, 654 a.Sebastian

I got lost yesterday, I went to an island by mistake and there was a group of people, humans, I saw a guy fishing distant from others, he looked surprised when I came closer. He is really pretty and different from the guys from here. Oh, and his name is Nathan.

He has blonde hair, white skin, he was using a white shirt and a black short, and he has legs! He looked so cute at me, I don't know why my dad don't like humans, but I think they are nice. He is 2 years older than me.

I had to see him again today, we talked about ourselves, it was fun until I needed to go back to the castle, it was getting late. I think about our friendship a bit better, we talk about so many things. Oh, and that's a secret, if someone knows about him, probably my dad would lock me in my room forever. I already have 19 years old, I should be getting away from here already. This castle is annoying me.

October 3, 654 a. Sebatian

He kissed me! We only talked for three days and he already kissed me! I didn't know how to react, so I just came back. I should have said something to him! I'm an idiot! He probably is angry! I need to see him again, I will be going now!

I came back, he was not there, I sent a message with one of my arrows to his house, I hope he get it.

I should not have done this! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I had to talk with him instead of sent a stupid message! I'm an idiot!

October 4, 654 a. Sebastian

I messed up again! He said he was sorry for what he did. He read the message, but just said sorry for that. I want that kiss again! What have I done!? I'm so angry right now!

October 5, 654 a. Sebastian

I was training with Melanie again, I... I can use dimensional fragments. I don't know why, Melanie told me she already knew. Last year when I was captured, it was not her who killed those guys, it was me!

I'm surprised about that, she said she can train me to use magic and maybe it will make me better to use the fragments, since I'm the only one in our family to use then, we don't know exactly what to do.

I'm going to sleep in the library tonight, I need to study.

October 7, 654 a. Sebastian

I learned how to create things, it's more simple than I thought, just need to concentrate in something and imagine where it needs to be. I can't make big things since I don't have enough fragments. I need to "kill" things to have more. It's more like absorb then, but it's dead anyway.

Tomorrow I'm going to hunt big creatures with Melanie to increase my limit, I hope we can do this by ourselves.

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