First Mission

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I headed to the village with Stella from the mountains by a road, we are using big coats with hoods, mine is blue and her is dark. She looks a bit darker like this, since she is already a dark rabbit. I'm curious about her ears, she can listen better than humans? They are fluffy like what I read in the library from where I lived?

Wait! Now I notice... I'm alone with her in the mountains! Elisabeth said to be careful to not be alone with her! She can do something with me! Ok! Try to act normal! She...

- What is going on? - She ask looking at me.

- Nothing! - I say a bit nervous, she can read minds!?

- I can feel it is something about me. - She stare me and stop right in front of me.

- There is nothing! - I try not stare her.

- I know there is something, I heard you talking with the other before I left.

- Did you!?

- Yeah! And just to let you know, I'm not interested on you! It's just... - She turn her face shy. - You remember me someone.

- I do?

- Yeah! Just that! Now let's keep going, we need to go somewhere first before meeting the priest.

- Ok.

I'm kinda curious about her, she was shy when said that. Is she lying? I don't know exactly about it, but I need to stay with her, we are on a mission. She helped me a lot with this plan, maybe I should thank her after this.

- We are here. - She stop in the start of the village and removed the hood. - Let's go.

- Wait, are you certain about removing your hood?

- Yeah, it's my home.

- Your home?

- Stella! - I heard someone calling her from distant.

I can see a human man with a lot of kids and a few girls, some may have the same age as her. He has brown eyes and hair and is dressed like a village with cotton clothes.

- You came back! - The guy hug her and the others too, she tries to stay on feet with everyone.

- Yeah, I came back. I needed to make a visit, but now I'm on a mission.

- What kind of mission? - One of the kids ask.

- Are you going to defeat bad guys!? - Other ask.

- Kinda. - She smile.

I don't know if it's right to tell we are on the bad side, but it's better for me to stay in silence.

- Who is this woman? - One of the girls come to me. - She is strange.

- Come on Hydra, you can remove your hood. - Stella looks at me with a smile.

- Ok. - I remove my hood and look at then. - My name is Hydra, I'm with Stella.

- Oh, so you've made new friends? - The guy ask.

- She is one of them. - Stella says smiling.

- Nice, your mother would love to know about those news.

- Yeah, how is our mother?

- She is fine, probably is in the church.

Wait, is her mother the priest? If we need to kill the priest, then...

- Hydra, follow me. - Stella hold my hand and drag me through the kids. - I'm going to visit her with Hydra, we can meet at home, ok?

- Ok. - The guy answer with a smile.

We walk to the church, it's small with a lot of candles inside it, there is an altar with some roses and a woman sit next to it. The woman is using a priest coat with a tiara, she has white hair and rabbit ears.

- Mother. - Stella calls her and the woman stands up surprised.

- Stella? - She look and walk slowly toward us. - Are really you Stella?

- Yes. - She turn her face.

- Stella! - The woman hugs her tight and start to cry, Stella hugs her back.

They stay in silence, I notice some tears falling from Stella's eyes, this may be hard to her.

- Mother, I...

- Silence. I knew this day would come. - The woman says with a calm voice. - This is your new friend? - She looks at me.

- Yes, she is a new member in my squad. - Stella take a step away smiling to her. - I made some friends there, all of then are awesome.

- Looks like you are having fun there. - She smile.

- Yeah, I...

- Hydra! Stella! Wallace! Marx! How is everyone going? - I hear Elisabeth voice in my ear.

- Elisabeth? - I put my hand on my ear, I notice Stella stopped in the same time. - We are good here.

- We too. - Wallace answer. - But we can't reach the priest right now, we need more or less three hours to find a good spot, we already got the info.

- Got it. Hydra, Stella, how are you?

- We...

- We need more time too! - Stella cuts me. - We found the priest, but there is a lot of soldiers, they may have planned to protect when the war started, when you guys are ready, call us.

- Ok, I already located mine, but since everyone is not ready, I'm going to wait, if I kill him now, probably they are going to counter-attack instantly. When everyone is ready, send a signal and we start to kill and run to the sanctuary. Got it?

- Got it! - Everyone answer.

- Shutting down!

I move my hand away from my ear and stare Stella.

- You lied to then.

- I needed! - She shout at me. - Since they are not ready, we don't need to do it now! Just... Give me a moment! Ok?

I notice she is crying, I never thought I would see this from someone in that squad.

- Ok, but be careful, I think this won't be good for the others to know about it, probably they would try to stop you.

- We know it. - The priest says coming close to me. - I'm thankful for your advice, but I already prepared everything.

- Everything? - I say confused.

- Yes, but for now, let's lunch, you may be hungry.

Hydra - The Army of Undead Wielders - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now