January 1 - 23, 655 a. Sebastian

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January/1 21:27 655 a. Sebastian

My first diary is already finished, it took a while and since Melanie didn't bought any other diary for me I had to wait. She just gave me this like a present to my father, since he don't want to see us, at least she wants to stay with me for a while. This new diary has more pages, so it gonna take a long time to finish. (Yay!)

Happened a lot these months. I'm already using the fragments properly, I started to hunt creatures on my on, finally I'm getting out the castle. I went to the city with Melanie, we had a lot of fun. A few citizens recognized me since I never left the castle and we had to run back to the castle, it was really fun to know I'm famous in the city.

January/2 1:02

I had to left the diary for a moment since Nathan called me, I created magic mirror with the fragments for him so we can talk even if I'm in the castle. No one knows about him yet, not even Melanie, if someone discover I love a human...

Yeah, I love him, I think I can write this in this diary since it's locked with my magic, only I can use this, so it's safe.

It's pretty late tough, but I'm not tired. Nathan is already sleeping, I imagine how he sleeps with his legs and everything. He showed me so many thing in his room, like a bed made with cotton, here we use a jelly creature who can clean us while we sleep on it.

Now that I think about it, I never described my room.

I have a jellyfish which is blue. I have a mirror with a dresser where I can talk with Nathan, a window where I can see the city, it's so pretty when the sun is reaching the top and the white city glows like a gem.

And yeah, thats my room, really simple compared to Nathan room. He has a bed, a wardrobe, a globe, a piano, and a lot of things. Nathan is awesome! I only wish he liked me how I like him.

Why he can't notice I like him!? I even tried to kiss him again, but he just avoided me. I need to be faster! But I don't want to force him to be with me. If he don't like me, I think it's ok.

I can't get depressed again! Stop thinking about bad things! He likes me, even as a friend, but he likes me, he probably won't hate me if I kissed him again. Maybe I should try this again someday. Maybe if I stay with him alone I can try to seduce him.

I never tried to stay with someone, like a couple or the characters I read in some books. I made a search when I noticed I loved him, I wanted to know what to do, but I couldn't ask anything to my sisters or they would discover I'm hiding something.

About him, probably hold his hand or sit on him maybe would be useful. Wait, what am I thinking!? I don't want to have sex now! Maybe be with him alone would be good, but I don't know what he is thinking. If he is just shy but want to do those things?

One day he explained me humans usually are dressed with more clothes than me, because that he acted a bit strange a long time ago. Maybe he is thinking about me when he is alone? Is he a pervert? Probably, he said it's normal guys like him do somethings when are excited.

Why am I talking about those things? I need to sleep now before I lose control.


I did it!

I went to the island to see Nathan, he was alone and wanted to show me a cave on the other side of the island, he said he wanted to tell me something. It were a purple cave with a lot of cristal, I felt strange, but it was a nice place. He took a small box from his pocket and gave me a necklace he made with one of the stones, it have a heart shape. He said he wanted to marry me one day. After that, we kissed, but I could not control my self and we ended up doing "that".

I'm so happy now! I finally know how he feels about me, and now, I'm going to marry him some day. I want to be one with him again. I'm holding the necklace while I'm writing this, it glows sometimes.

I just don't know what to do now. I kinda want to be with him right now, but I'm kinda scared about those new things. My family wont allow me to be with a human, maybe I would need to escape from here.


Melanie discovered about Nathan! She followed me 2 days ago and saw me with him, she didn't told me about it because she didn't knew what to do.

She is fine about it, she was happy for me to have my own life and choose what I want, even if it's different from what the others want.

We talked a little about him, she was curious to know about me, she made some questions about how long we know each other and what have we done. I told her about this morning, she looked surprise, but she just hugged me and gave me some advices. I told her to keep this as a secret, no one can know about it, but I think it's ok for her to know about it, she is a really good sister.

January/3 8:10

I couldn't hold myself last night, I went to Nathan's house and slept with him. It's really hard to have self control after yesterday, I can't stop thinking about living with him, marry, have a child and a happy life, but it's not gonna be easy since my family don't like humans.

Oh, I forgot to tell, a few months ago I learned how to turn my tail into legs, I can do this thanks to the fragments. It's really strange when the fragments touch my body, it tickles and my body changes too.

His family, which is just her mother and younger sister, are really nice with me. His mother saw me when I was in his bed, I was kinda nervous, but she just talked with us and was happy to know I accepted his love.


Melanie told me she want me to go with her to a new city, it's small, so it's gonna be good if I start to know new people around the kingdom. I'm going to stay out for a few days, maybe 1 or 2, or maybe 2 or 3 weeks. I hope it's fast, I don't want to stay away from Nathan anymore. Maybe I'm going to sleep with him again tonight since I'm going to travel tomorrow.

January/4 1:20

It's probably gonna be my last note since it's gonna be hard to use my diary when I reach the city. I'm going to travel in 10 hours and the trip gonna be really long.

I'm in Nathan's house now, he is really cute while sleeping, makes me sad to remember it will take a long time to see him again. I like to touch his cheeks and chest, it's hot, different from the things under water. I wish I could be with him forever.

January/23 7:27

Finally I have free time. I came to the city 18 days ago and I already got busy. Melanie was feeling bad to take me away from Nathan, but I needed to keep my mind straight before do something wrong with him. I only hope he is waiting for me. I left my mirror at home, I can't contact him from here.

I'm in a house made with rocks, it's different from the ones used in the city next to the castle, it's more simple, like the ones I see in Nathan's Island. Melanie is now making our breakfast, she cooks better than me, at least she didn't explode the last lunch like me. I hope it never happen again.

I'm in my room, it's simples, the jelly here is not so big like the one in the castle, but it's pink, really pretty.

Well, here I'm helping to organize the city, since has no one to command and to help making the building, me and Melanie are doing this. I think it would be simple since my dad do this in a few minutes, but it's more complicated than I thought. Maybe I need more training.

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