Confused Memories

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I hear someone knocking the door with strength. I notice I slept while was reading. I sit on my bed and hear someone knocking again.

- Hydra? Are you awake? - I hear someone's voice.

- Yeah. Now I'm. - I stand up and go to the door.

I open it slowly, Elisabeth is stand up in staring me serious.

- Something happened? - I ask surprised.

- Can I enter?

- Yes. - I don't think I can say no.

She enter the room and keep staring me.

- I have something to talk with you, it's about our next mission.

- A new mission already?

- It's a war, we need to be faster than our enemy. Any way, we are going to Lambda, it's a dimension with Shape Shifters, and there is a Dimensional Wielder like this in there.

- Dimensional Wielders? Like us?

- Yeah, but we can corrupt them and make them our allies or just kill, but, there is a problem. They can change the space near them, don't matter what happen, don't be close to one or you will be in problem.

- So, what are we going to do there?

- We are going to strike it directly. This dimension is already in war, we are just going to infiltrate, kill the Wielder and the Priest, after this we are going to make a search in the Sanctuary after a few items. If we can't kill the Wielder, we just need to kill the Priest, that's our main objective.

- Are we going to destroy a city?

- No, it's just a fortress, we have more or less than 3 days to infiltrate an army, enter the fortress and do our job.

- Ok.

- And it's only me and you.

- Wait, what? Me and you?

- Yes. Stella is not in a stable condition, Wallace is going to take care of her and Marx are with another mission.

- So... We are going to do this alone?

- Yes, we are leaving in a few hours, be ready when I call you.

- Okay.

- And... - She looks away.

- What?

- Well, Shin wants me to take care of you. I don't know why, but he don't want you to stay close to other squads.

- Okay? I think.

- Just be careful, looks like he is watching you, any mistake he can try to punish you.

- How?

- I don't know, he never punished me, and I think it depends on the contract you made with him.

- I will be careful.

- Thanks. It may not look, but I care about you, and are my responsibility now. - She smile. - I will leave now. Take a nap if you want.

- Ok, Thank you for your advice.

- You are welcome.

She leave my room and now I'm alone again. I'm worried about Stella, I hope she get better soon, and Elisabeth... She is going to stay with me for a few days. What can she do with me? And what we will do there? I never heard anything about Lambda. Maybe I need to talk with someone about it, but... Shin don't want me next to other squads. Why? What kind of contract I did with him? Maybe something bad happened and I wanted to forget about my past? If I wanted that, why I want to remember it? And why he gave my diaries back?

I'm confused, why there's so many things happening so fast? I don't have time to think about everything they throw at me!

I need to sleep again, I will think in something with Elisabeth once I wake up.

- You should try to relax for a bit. - Melanie says with me on a jelly.

- But I don't know what to do now! I miss Nathan and everyone want me to do everything just because I may be the next queen.

- I know it's hard, being in love is not something easy. You are young, had so many things with him, but you need to focus on what is important now. Our father...

- It's your father! He never liked me anyway, you are the only one who is talking with him for years and now he sent us here for no reason! I'm not ready for this! I'm not ready to be a queen and I don't want this!

- Hydra. - She stare me sadly. - I know it's not easy for you, you are different from everyone one, I thought you were more like me, but now I see you are different.

- I'm sorry for that!

- No, Hydra, I'm sorry.

- What? Why are you saying that?

- Because I had expectations on you, somethings I shouldn't have. I'm your sister, not someone who have to take care of you. No one need to take care of you now. You are more than ready to live alone. You know how to hunt, cook your own food, even can manipulate Dimensional Fragments. You are someone unique, I was wrong imagining you could be like me.

- I... - I feel sad listening what she said. - I didn't wanted this.

- Yeah, I know that. - She pat my head. - Someday, I want to tell you something. When I was in younger, I was in the war with our father, he was different from what he is now. We met a lot of dimensional wielders, and I loved one. That... - She turn her face away. I feel it's not a good thing.

- What? What do you want to say?

- I... Sorry for not being... a good... mother.

I stare her surprised, she look at me with a sad smile.

- You... Are you telling me you are... My mother?

- Yeah. - Get a bit away. - I'm sorry if I lied, I just didn't knew what to do when I had you, so I and Sebastian, my father, decided to say you were his daughter, my sister. But I decided to tell you before he would do that.

- So who is my dad?

- It's a Dimensional Wielder from Lambda, he is a Shapeshifter. His name is Gregory.

Hydra - The Army of Undead Wielders - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now