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The scene starts with everyone
seeing the owner of the shout with widened eyes.

Voice(roars): stop there Mrs sharmishta shekhar gadodia!!!!
Yup, the shout was of non other than ranveer.

Shekhar: hey you, don't u have any manners....oh wait, how can I forget, u r also with swasan right, so..(cut off)

Ranveer:just shut up you spineless coward!!!! So....Mrs gadodia what were you saying? Petty really??!!! DOING THE SHRADDH OF SOMEONE WHO IS YET ALIVE IS NOT A SMALL ISSUE AND THIS RAGU AND JAMAISA OF YOUR HAS DONE A SIN!!!!!! What kind of a mother u r...Huh, aaarre u r a black spot in the name of mother and same goes with ur husband. And how dare you speak a single word for MY SISTER, huh!!!!!!(hell angry and was shouting at the top of his voice)

Swara got damn happy and emotional hearing ranveer and immediately hugged him, while sanutt were also overwhelmed seeing ranveer's support and love between them.

Ap(seeing swara and ranveer hugging, makes a disgusting expression on her already disgusting face): Chi swara, u r hugging uttara's would be infront of ur husband and everyone!!!!

Swara: don't worry badima, I will hug him in private also(winked)
Swasan and ranutt started laughing seeing everyone's face.

Ragini: chachiji, I am telling u. This ranveer is not good. See how he is hugging swara like shameless....(cut off by sanskar)

Sanskar: u just shut up ragini. U r very narrow minded so please keep ur shit with you.

Swara:jaan, calm down. It's useless to talk to this lady. Umm.....let's go to our room. Uttu and bhai, u also freshen up till then, I will bring food .(ignoring everyone)

Ranveer: 1 minute sisso, I want to say something. Umm...uncle and aunty(sujram), I know being a girl's mother u will like to meet my family. I have no one except my grandma and my sister and I would like to make her meet you. U , being parents have this much right.
Swasanutt were feeling damn proud of ranveer.

Sujata just broke down seeing the generosity of their own children even though they(sujram) did absolutely nothing for them. Ram somehow controlled his emotions and nodded and then both went to their room drowning in the pool of guilt.

Dp family and shemish were very frustrated and angry as the people who used to be their toys r now bold and getting success and happiness in life. They were about to start the drama again but before that, ranveer left the house and swasautt also went to their room without giving a glance to the people over there.

Swasan room:
Sanskar who came out of washroom saw his wife in deep thought standing at the window. He just went towards her and back hugged her.

 He just went towards her and back hugged her

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Sanskar:what happened jaan ?

Swara:nothing much. I was just thinking about mom dad. They atleast have guilt....but Mrs gadodia....(sighs)

Sanskar:I can understand baby.

Both stood in silence for sometime but soon, sanskar started caressing her belly and neck sensuously making her breath hitch.

Swara:w..what...what are you doing sanskar?
Sanskar(huskily):u told me gay right...? So tonight I will prove you wrong Mrs swara sanskar Maheshwari.
Swara widened her eyes and before she could say something, sanskar kissed her and soon the room was filled with moans and groans as two pure souls got one , yet again.

Next morning after breakfast:
Everyone was present in hall including shemish(navre log) waiting for ranveer and his grandma. Swasan and uttara were continuously doing masti and pranks with each other making sujram to adore and bless them from a distance while others were jealous and angry seeing their ignorance but who cares??

Moments later, ranveer entered in mm with his grandma making swasanutt smile widely and also smirk towards the whole family while the family was rooted at their spots seeing his grandma. The whole family was stunned and speechless and were staring ranveer and his grandma as if they had seen ghost. Swasan, ranutt and grandma just smirked seeing their horrible face.

Ranveer(innocently): mom dad(sujram), meet her , she is my grandma, who is the happiest person alive on the earth currently to get my uttara as her dil. Saying this he winked at uttu making her blush hard.
(U wanna see ranveer's grandma???? OK then.....)😉

Ranveer's grandma urf shona's dida

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Ranveer's grandma urf shona's dida.😉😉😉

Ranveer: she is my  and my sister swara's one and only DIDA!!!!!!!


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