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Everyone was stunned. No one was able to say anything to anyone. Dp had closed his eyes tight in pain while ap was scared. Sujram were numb same as Adarsh. Swasan, Ranutt, dida, shomi, raglak .....not a word. The whole Maheshwari mansion hall was dead silent. Finally-

Ram(yells):what rubbish!!! Bhaisaab, are you even in your senses? What are you saying? Adarsh...

Dp(non interested look):I m saying the truth only. Adarsh is your son and this is the truth.

Sujata numbly looked towards Adarsh who was staring at some point blankly. His entire existence of 30 years was fake. Right from childhood, he was Adarsh dp Maheshwari and today....out of nowhere, after 30 years of life, he gets to know that he is Adarsh ram Maheshwari!!! Ridiculous...isn't it? At this point of time,no amount of consolation would work. He felt suffocated by everyone gaze at him. He needs space and time, so he immediately left the house followed by pari.

Ram(hardly controlling):if you are saying true Mr dp Maheshwari, care to share the reason for the disgusting act of your and your wife.

Ap:mind your.....

Ram(roars):why did you snatch my son from me and when?

Everyone got really scared hearing this tone of ram.

Ram:why the hell are you silent?

Dp:I will say. Actually....after our marriage, ap was not getting pregnant. Then, do you remember, ap and sujata were pregnant at same time.....(rp nodded angrily)

Ram(snaps at him):what......say na dp!!!

Dp(ashamed and afraid):actually, when sujata got pregnant, we were afraid as to what society will say as ap was not pregnant and sujata was going to give the first heir of Maheshwari. So....I and ap decided to......FAKE PREGNANCY. When it was the delivery time, sujata delivered a healthy baby boy....who is Adarsh. But ......I exchanged the baby and put a .....DEAD your and son.

Ram slapped dp tightly while sujata fell on the floor with thud. Swasanutt rushed to her.

Ram(out of control):how DARE you?(again slapped him) do you know,how much nights I and sujata had spent crying? A thought that our first baby was dead!!!! and your wife were happily living with your....NO NO and my sujata son.(again slapped him)how much low can you stoop? For you and your wife, I and sujata...always ignored my sanskar and uttu. AND sujata.....look at her condition!!!!

Sujata(totally broken):what was our fault ram? Why are we and our children,who always has to suffer? he yours or....

Ap:laksh is my son. Adarsh,sanskar and Uttara are your kids and laksh is mine!!!

Ram:is your wife saying true dp?

Dp nodded. the police. I want dp family in jail.

Dp family was fully shocked and scared.

Dp:what? NO

Ap:what?! can't. We have not done anything major.

Ragini:yeah....stop your melodrama. At least now to you know that adarsh is your son.You are overreacting....

Sujata slapped her and ap tightly and that too, thrice.

Sujata(hell angry):you bloody lady!!! You(ap) snatched my first baby from me....declaring him dead. Today you and your nagin tried to kill swara baby......aaahhhh(crys in frustration, anger and sadness)After laksh was born, you ignored Adarsh too!! I always felt confused when you ignored Adarsh and loved laksh. I always felt connected to Adarsh...just like sanutt....but today I got to know the reason. Adarsh is my baby. Adarsh...(looks around for him but finds him nowhere and starts crying for him) son....

Swara:mom...sanskar has went to find bhai Bhabhi. Please...calm down.

Uttara:dad...police came.

Dp family got scared and angry. Ap and ragini started their drama and dp was shocked and ashamed seeing the downfall in his life.

Ram strictly ordered the police to take them(ap,dp and ragini) as every crime which got revealed was recorded by Ranveer and Uttara and handed over to the police as proof. They were about to go but they were stopped by Adarsh.

(sanskar somehow managed to find parish and brought them back)

Adarsh(teary eyed and with full anger and attitude):why so hurry...Mrs dp? Few people are standing outside....who are dying to meet you,your husband and daughter in law.

Ap dp and ragini were very confused.

Pari(smirk):didn't get it? Sanskar...(signs something)

Sanskar(nodded):yeah Bhabhi.....come in.

Next moment, ap, dp and ragini faces went pale. Laksh too was badly shocked. Swara and Uttara smirked while sujram were just numbly looking at Adarsh....still not believing that he is their first baby.

Ap,dp and ragini were horrified:MEDIA!!!!

Yup, sanskar and parish had called media too reveal the reality of Mr and Mrs dp Maheshwari to entire world.

Full on drama was going on.

Meanwhile....shekhar, who was feeling the gaze and smirk of scared and was about to go but..

Shomi(hell angry):one minute Mr shekhar gadodia.(loudly to media as well as police) this man is also very much spineless human. He is such type of animal.....who can do affairs with anyone,but can't support her after he gets her pregnant. He is such type of person who says his own blood daughter...a fatherless child and also let everyone badmouth her. He is such type of person who forgive his one daughter ragini....for trying to kill his other blood...swara for n number of times. He is such type of person who forced my swara to break her marriage with her husband on the marriage day itself. He is such type of person who breaks his marriage with me just by his mother saying or a few money...............

This goes on and on. Shomi revealed every cheap crime of shekhar and last but certainly not the least.....she demanded divorce and everything else that she brought to that house after marriage and whatever money....he had taken from shomi,swara or sanskar. He had to give as per the orders and law. He knew that he was now going to be bankrupt.

This way....dp ap ragini and shekhar landed in jail. They lost their homes, money and their so called image in the society or say, in the entire world. Laksh, too left the mansion forever after divorcing ragini.

Ram left the Maheshwari industry and it got sealed as now it completely belonged to dp Maheshwari, who is a criminal in laws eyes. Maheshwari industry got closed forever.

This way.....ram family took revenge from dp family in professional as well as personal life for whatever they had to face without any faults of their.

How's it?
Now the revenge game is completely over.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2018 ⏰

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