Part-14 (Twist in the tale!!)

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Next day morning at mm:
Today dp family was hell tensed. Why not?! Today, there is a meeting regarding his head position in marvadi community.

Dp and laksh had already left for the meeting while ap, ragini were tensed. Shemish silently stood there.

Soon ram family came down and started having breakfast happily,while pampering swautt. They were happily talking about today sangeet function ignoring the dead glare of ap and ragini. Seeing that, ap and ragini fumed more and-

Ap(angrily):how can you be so happy after destroying our family happiness?

Ragini(frustrated seeing swara happy):exactly. are not doing good. You better come back in limits or....swara....I am talking to you

Swara(bored look):but I am not interested. Sorry.

Ap(yells):how dare you? If anything goes wrong today, I will show you what Mrs Annapurna Maheshwari is!!!

Sujata(no nonsense voice):a typical housewife!!!(ap shocked) listen Mrs Annapurna Maheshwari, you are talking to my daughter in law Mrs swara sanskar Maheshwari, so plzz...if you will ever try to hurt my children, you will see what Mrs sujata Maheshwari can do for her children.(angrily)

Ap and ragini got shocked and scared and immediately got shut.

Meanwhile dp and laksh returned from the meeting being very much angry and frustrated.

Ap(tensed):ji....what happened? Is everything okay?

Ragini:Ha laksh, what happened? We are getting worried.

Laksh(frustrated):papa is no longer the head of the marvaadi samaaj!!!

Ap and ragini were shocked beyond limit hearing it.

Ap(disbelief):what??! How can they do that just by hearing few words of these(ram family) people?!

Ragini:Ha laksh ji, you might be having any misunderstanding.

Ap:Ha. You both are misunderstanding.

Dp(shouts in anger):so are you saying that we are fools?! both are having more knowledge than us?! Tell me!!!

Laksh(insulting both):exactly!! Come on ragini, we went there and we know very well that what happened. We are far better than you!!

Dp:don't you dare to forget your limits!!

Ap and ragini were shocked and felt humiliated, while swara and sujata smirked seeing them.

Shekhar:but dpji, how can they do that?

Dp(eyeing ram family with venom):because they have all proof!!! Proof that I discriminated between sanskar and laksh while getting them married to Bengali girl, proof that every single deed which ragini did with this family for getting laksh, proof that she threw swara in river, proof that she tortured us, proof that laksh betrayed ragini and married kavya, who bought more humiliation to the family, proof that laksh slapped shekharji, proof that swasan were separated on their marriage day itself due to laksh betrayal to ragini, proof that Adarsh did so much to gain property and last but not least, the proof where raglak performed the shraadh of swasan and sujram were called cheaters and were thrown out of their own house  which is mm!!!!

Everyone was shocked while swasan and sujram had tears remembering their black days of life.

Laksh(yells):how can you do this sanskar?!

Sanskar(smirk smile):Huh...what did I do? It's just that you and your family got a solid reality check of what you are actually. And now....let me wife is pregnant and she needs calm atmosphere and another thing, my sister is going to be married in a day. So kindly wrap up your usual family drama, today is sangeet and my 3 precious ladies have to get ready. So just shut down your bloody drama!!!

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