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Scene starts with sanskar and sujata coming in swasan room where swautt were already present.

Swara:mom, everything okay?

Sujata:yeah...infact,it's a good news. Ramji has demanded his own shares and his part of property.

Swara and uttu were shocked,happy and surprised.

Swara(shock+happy):what...? Really?!'s just that sometimes, some people need a good answer.

Sujata(dramatically):yeah...laato ke bhoot baato se nai maante.

Uttu and swasan giggles hearing her. will leave for the hospital.

Sujata:are you mad?


Swara:your wedding is within few days and from day after tomorrow all your functions are starting. Don't u think u need grooming?

Uttara:but Bhabhi...see I am a natural beauty....

Sanskar laughed loudly at her.

Uttara(fuming):I didn't joke!!!

Sanskar(funnily):yeah..just a little mistake. You are a natural......DISASTER...HAhaha....(again burst out laughing)


Uttara stomped her feet and left from there followed by sujata. are so bad!!!

Sanskar(still laughing):Aww baby, tell me something new.....hehe.

Swara looked towards sanskar and then threw a pillow at him while sanskar continued laughing. Like this, swasan spent their quality time together.

Uttara room:
Uttara was happily seeing her clothes and admiring everything happily making sujata emotional.

Sujata(emotional wreck):my Uttara grew up so fast that within few days, she will be married!!! It seems like yesterday I held you in my arms...that moment, when my little cutie princess of my and ramji came in the world. Being blinded by bhaisa and jiji, I was never really able to see my kids grow up. See na sanskar will have his own baby. He got that big. And daughter....even you are going to be married. I was never able to see my kids grow up... When you were with ur parents, in your were always ignored and your wishes and your dreams and your suffering were always neglected. If swasan were not would be sooo lonely in this big mansion. You are their first baby and they took care of you like parents.I wish you a very very happy married life with a gem like ranveer!!! I am sorry Uttara, I was never able to give you motherly love, care  and support. If possible, please forgive your parents.

Uttara didn't say anything....just hugged her tightly having tears in her eyes.

At evening, in mm:
Dp, laksh and ram returned from the office. Dp and laksh were angry and frustrated, while ram had a great satisfaction on his face.

Ap and ragini noticed that and were angry.

The whole Maheshwari family was present in the hall.

Uttara(excitedly):dad, where were you busy? You know what, today mom and I and swasan went for shopping and did soo much fun. Just...your presence lacked. Come....I will show you all our shopping!!!

Ram smiled at her excitement and blessed her in mind.

Dp(strictly):not now Uttara. We need to talk.

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