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Scene starts with-
Dp family was fully shocked seeing parish while ram family was smiling at them!!!


Ap:Adarsh...all this

Adarsh:yeah...we did that recording.

Ragini:laksh, papaji,swara, are you believing these people? Huh...arre don't forget that because of their cheap....thudd

Ragini was tightly slapped by pari.

Pari(shouts):just shut up you bloody murderer!!!

Ragini(hell angry):how dare you? And you both were hell bent to destroy swasan family but today.....such a double faced couple..

Adarsh(mockingly):just like you and your husband laksh Maheshwari


Adarsh:oh plz don't dramatize.

Dp(angrily):what are you doing over here? Had I not told you or your wife to get lost. How can you even show your face after doing so bad with everyone!!!

Adarsh:if laksh Maheshwari can....why can't I?

Ap:what are you saying Adarsh?

Ragini(attitude):we have not done anything wrong that they tell us to leave mm.

Pari(taunting) both are so  amazing. You just forget about your sins...and why not? Your dear in laws forgive you na...

Ragini(innocently):what have I done?

Pari(hell angry): you tried to kill swara baby today!!! And what else have you ever done except game plans and manipulation!!! We all are well aware of what all you did with swara to get laksh, tried to kill her twice or more...then, tortured your in laws...

Sanskar(taunting):are pari Bhabhi, today only these people have got a solid reality check...actually today was meeting na, in which everything was proved....don't waste your energy.(winked)

Pari smile naughtily at sanskar:yeah sanskar devarji!!!!

Ap:how can you be at swasan side then? You planned against them too!!

Parish looked at swasan with guilt while swasan nodded in NO and hugged them and uttu too joined the four.

Raglak got jealous seeing them and very much angry.

Laksh(yells):sanskar....have you forgotten that what all did they did for property?

Ragini(angrily):Ha swara. You too joined these two. Oh wait...I got it. They are offering you money na...that's why you are with them.

Swara(fires back):we are not like you who deal with relationship or rather perform SHRAADH of someone for a few money....

Sanskar:exactly....and laksh, can you even think something beyond property and money, once in your life?

Raglak felt insulted and kept quiet.

Parish:thank you swasan!!

Everyone was shocked and confused as to why they were saying thanks.

Swara:for what Bhabhi?

Adarsh:swara, just because of your and sanskar, this became possible.

Pari:yeah. We owe our lives to you both.

Swasan got the point and shouted with happiness and hugged them tightly.

Swasan(very happy):aahhhh!!!! We are sooo happy. Congratulations!!!

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