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Thank u so much guys for liking my story so much😃😃

Scene starts with everyone present in the hall. All the guests had already left and only mf, gf and dida and ranveer were present.

Sujata(beaming with joy):haaye!!!! Thank u so much swara for giving us this happiness of becoming grandparents.

Ram(happy):yeah. God bless you both.

Uttu(damn happy):I am going to be mami as well as bua!!!!

Ranveer:me too....fufa as well as mama
After congratulating swasan, dida and ranveer left.

Shomi(little happy for swara but jealous at same time for ragini):congrats shona

Swara stared her blankly and nodded.

Ragini and ap were fuming in jealousy.

Sujata:re jiji, ragini....are you all not happy with the news?

Ap(ignored sujata):uttara, u r cardiologist and you didn't tell us? When did you study this?

Ragini:Ha uttara, and we are getting to know about that from strangers

Uttara(ignored ragini and ap and said to swasan happily):bhai Bhabhi, u both go to ur room. Bhabhi is standing since long. And Bhabhi,  you have ur medicine and to bed. My champ needs rest.

Swasan were overwhelmed with her concern.

Ap(angry):what is this uttara? We are talking to you. And swara, u didn't tell us about it? Sanskar declared that in front of everyone without informing us?

Ragini(frustrated):yeah swara. U didn't tell me also. Don't u think chachiji, that ur children are going out of hand? Like see....uttara is best cardiologist, swara became CEO and now just declared swara's pregnancy news in front of everyone without informing us like shameless(hell jealous of swasan and uttu)

Shekhar:yeah ragini is right. Ramji, ur kids are getting spoiled and out of limits.

Ram(with attitude): Mr gadodia, my kids are my pride. U don't need to interfere in their personal and professional life. And, why do u all think that swasan need UR PERMISSION(stressed) for declaring their happiness.

Dp(frustrated seeing ram's family success): ram!!! What are you doing? Going against ur family?

Ram(blankly): that I was doing till yesterday. I don't want to continue going against my family further.

Sujata(strictly):swasan, uttara said before sometime. Go to ur room. (Eyeing the whole family) all this is neverending stuff. So go, my daughter and my grandchild needs rest. Uttara, u too go.

Swasan and uttu left immediately.

Ap(shocked and anger):sujata!!!? What is wrong with you? Did you know that uttara is cardiologist? Or swasan were becoming parents? Or....(cut off)

Sujata(emotional):no. We didn't know anything. And they are not at fault. We never had time for our children. We were always in the shoes of perfect brother and SIL. Never.....we never got out of those shoes and tried getting in shoes of perfect parent. Never

Dp:ram, what ur wife is saying? Tell her to be....

Ram(angry):enough brother. I always respected Bhabhi but you could never do this to my sujata.

Shekhar:what are u saying ram? He is your brother....!!

Ram:shekhar ji please. U better stay away from my family and our personal matter. U r the one, who doesn't know anything rather than interfering in my kids life. Same goes with ur wife too. She never considered swara as her daughter. Always gave priority to ragini. (To everyone)IF YOU WANT TO TALK TO MY WIFE AND KIDS, TALK WITH FULL RESPECT AND LOVE ELSE DON'T TALK. And....NEVER INTERFERE IN OUR LIVE, ESPECIALLY OF MY KIDS!!!!!

Everyone especially dp and ap were speechless hearing him .

Sujata looked at him with so much proud and mixed emotions of happiness, guilt, sad , love etc.... Swasan and uttu who were looking from up were also hell shocked and teary eyed because of happiness and for the change in the behavior of ram.

Ram(gaining composure):let's go sujata. It's already late.

They left.

Everyone stared at their retreating figure.

Soon everyone dispersed to their room without a word as they were still in shock because of ram's behavior. Poor souls, first they were jealous because of swasan and uttu success full life and now, seeing ram's behavior....they were dumbfounded.

New day, new drama😉

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