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Next morning:
Everyone was having their breakfast. Sanutt and sujata were  were pampering swara while ram adored his family. when will we start the wedding planning of ranveer and uttu?

Ram:today we will talk to priest and then, will start the preparation right way.

Sujata(happy):haye, my uttu is getting married!!

Swasan and uttu smiled at her.

Sanskar(teasingly):finally, I will get some peace, once you step out of the house!!

Uttara:haww bhai, so mean...

Sanskar chuckles.

Laksh was jealous and hurt by Utara's ignorance. Ragini knew that and cursed swara more.

Soon everyone completed their breakfast and was now in the hall. Shomi & shekhar also came as ragini called them. Ap and shomi had became close as they both are expert in only one thing-interfering in swasan and now in ranutt lives. Huh

Just then, ranveer and dida came there and greeted everyone.

Dida(excited):ramji, when is the priest coming.

Ram(smiled at her):yeah shobhaji, he will be here any minute.

Just then priest entered and everyone greeted him. Swasan and ranutt took blessings from him.

Priest:yeah so where are the kundlis of the soon-to-be-wedded couple.

Ranveer smile flattened. He is an orphan and moreover he didn't believe in this so he never got it made.
Sujata(happy):panditji, here is my uttu's kundali.

Priest:hmm....and what about groom?

Ranveer:wo actually....I don't have any kundli...I mean I never had one made.(heads down)

Uttu went to him and hugged him.

Priest:what rubbish!!! Then how can we proceed?

Swasan were about to say something but....

Ragini:exactly!!! This marriage can not work. See chachiji, I already said.

Ap:yeah sujata. This is the sign of god that he doesn't want this marriage.

Laksh:yeah. And that day ranveer said that he has no one except his grandma and sister which turned out to be swara and dida. Now we all know that swara and ragini are the only grandchild of dida and that swara doesn't have a brother. So in all, ranveer is not blood related .

Shomi:yeah sujata ji, in all this boy is an ORPHAN

That's it...ranveer broke down badly while uttara too cried seeing his state!!!

ranveer broke down badly while uttara too cried seeing his state!!!

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Dida(hell angry):Enough!!!! I don't want any drama today. (calmed herself) priest, u kindly just tell us the auspicious day of wedding...

Ragini and ap were about to say something but one glare from swasan, they were shut. the best day for wedding is after 6 days. Those who will marry on this day, that couples marriage bond will be very happy and strong.

Dida & swasan:thank you.

Priest left.

Sanskar(to ranveer):hey buddy, stop crying like a baby....or else ur kids will also be like that..

Uttara(without realizing):yeah bhai is right. If you cry, our kids will also become crybaby which I don't ranveer, stop crying.

Ranveer stopped crying and looked at uttu with a small smile. Uttu still didn't realize and hugged him tightly making swasan and ranveer adore her.

Dida(teasingly):oh so my uttu doesn't want cry baby? Then, what type of baby do u want? many??(winked)

Uttara realised it and pushed him with force and ran out of the mansion!!!! While swasan and ranveer dida sujram just laughed.

Shomi:ma, what is this? How can u fix uttara wedding just like that?

Ragini and ap:yeah. U can not do that.

Dida simply ignored them and went from there.

Swara(happy):chalo mom, sanskar we have to do so much work and shopping. Our uttus wedding is there in 6 days!!!

Sujata(overwhelmed):my daughter is very lucky to have you as her Bhabhi.

Sanskar(proudly):after all, whose wife she is....??!!!

Dp family was fuming in anger.
But again, who the hell give a damn!!!

Ap:how can you do this sujata? We are your family.

Ragini:exactly. And swara, u want uttara's wedding with an orphan just because you want to get rid of her. Chachiji, I am telling you before hand that don't trust swasan....they can do anything with utt.....thudd


(Yeah, it was our suju darling)

Sujata(bursted out):what?....what is your problem? Did I do anything wrong? No. I have done wrong. I should have had slapped ragini at her first oversmartness only.(to ragini) and u.....why are you back of my children? What they have ever done to you? Just can't shut up. Jiji aap......I have always been there by ur side. Even if I had to go against my children, I and ramji both did that too for u and ur husband. And today, you only tried to break my uttu wedding? And shomiji, why are you even interfering in my family? U r coming here everyday to insult my kids. Why???? Everytime, all of you do is to insult and irritate my babies......and u nagin, what did you say, swara want to get rid of uttu? (Slapped her again) How dare u??? She is a gem which my family has . She is not a nagin like u. Arre, swara became her mother seeing my ignorance towards my own kids. Yeah, she became a mother to both sanutt and pampered them and stood with them in every situation just like a mother does. I failed to be a mother just like shomi. But my swara, she made and treated my kids as her think 10000s of times before speaking to my daughter. (To shomi) and what did you tell? That ranveer is orphan???NO NO NO.......Ranveer is not an orphan....he has a set of parents....Mrs sujata and Mr ram. U better get that. Like dida said that day, that she has 4 grandchildren swasan and ranutt, same way......same way, even I and ramji have 4 children-swasan and ranutt. SO , IF ANYONE OF YOU WILL EVER TRY TO HURT MY SWASAN AND RANUTT, YOU WILL SEE THE HELL AND THAT'S MRS SUJATA RAMPRASAD MAHESHWARI'S PROMISE(was shouting at highest pitch but was cut off as someone hugged her very tight while crying)

Sujata(caressing the head):sshh RANVEER BETA , don't cry. See....u r my strong baby right....(to lighten the atmosphere) see, I don't want my grandchildren to be crybaby!!!

Ranveer(small smile and laugh):Mom!!!!

Both swasan admired the whole scene with teary eyes....

Screen splits between shocked shomi, ap raging and happy and emotional swasan sujran....

How's it?

Well, now I need some suggestions. Like-what would you like to see in the total revenge game because from next chappy, revenge game will start in full force and right now, I m clueless...because revenge in business is very common.

So....suggestions please.

And one more thing, did u all check out my new story-swasan our  unique love story?? If not, check it out please😃😃😃

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