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Hello everyone!!!! M glad that you are liking the plot. Whatever was shown in the serial was just bullshit and crap. So I thought to pen down something realistic. Thank u for supporting and appreciating my work.

Scene starts with everyone shocked faces. Meanwhile, uttara ranveer and swasan went to dida with wide smile and hugged her and dida, too reciprocated the hug lovingly

(Now the drama starts😉😉)

Dp: are shobhaji aap!!!!(hell confused)

Ap:ji, what are you doing over here....I mean as ranveer's dida?

Dida(with attitude and ignoring ap dp): looks like ur mom and dad are not interested in talking about your relationship uttara beta. Tell them to come out of their silent mode for sometime and discuss with me, regarding your wedding.(very happily to uttu) as now, I can't wait for longer time without you.(kissed her forehead)
Uttara closed her eyes feeling blessed to have an elderly lady like her. Swasan and ranveer just smiled.

Sujram came out of shock hearing her.

Ram:are dida, come plz. Why are you standing over there.

Dida went and sat on sofa with attitude.

Ragini(happily):nanima....(was about to hug her but immediately stopped after seeing her glare and hand which indicated to stop)

Shomi:ma,....what are you doing? This is....(cut off by dida in a cold tone)

Dida:uttara, who is she?

Uttara: ragini's mother

Shomi(angry):what is this uttara? Talk to ragini with respect .

Dida(roars making shomi shiver):don't u dare Mrs gadodia talk to my daughter in this tone.
(Uttara got emotional as sujata never defended her and here, dida called her a daughter and also stood for her.)

Shekhar:what wrong misti said ma? ....

Ram: shekarji plz. Dida is here for discussion of my daughters plzz I don't want any disturbance in it.

Sujata:ha shomiji. For god's sake, stop ur nonsense at least for now

Ram(ignoring ap):ha , dida. Sorry for the disturbance. Umm....can we proceed with the wedding planning?

Dida: ha sure. Now ....(cut off by Dp)

Dp(unbelievable): what is this ram? You didn't even ask for my permission. I already said that I don't except the relationship then how can you think of processing the wedding planning?(hell angry and frustrated)

Ap:Ha sujata.

Ragini:and chachiji, how can ranveer be nani ma's grandchild? Only I and swara are.....(cut off)

Dida(stood up): enough!!!! U people are so much interfering!! I don't know how my children, swasan and uttu are tolerating u people. And one more thing, I have 2 grandchildren, ranveer and shoru and another 2 children in the form of sanutt. So in all, I have only and I know only 4 gems I.e. my swasan and ranutt. I don't know anybody of u or rather, u all are dead to me(shouts)

Shomi(angry too) can you insult us? I know that you love swara but plz think before you insult us.

Ap(frustrated):leave it shomiji...these people are like this.....(cut off by sanskar)

Sanskar(fully angry and frustrated): just shut up everyone. Today dida is here for discussion of my uttu wedding.....

Ragini(irritated):what the hell sanskar? Stop being rude. This is not the discussion of ur child's  marriage.....

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