Honey Hi

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"Now Chris, if you don't like her, she wont be in the band okay!" said Mick with his loud english tone as he put his hand on Christine's shoulder.

"I know Mick, it's the second time you have said it, let's get our asses moving or we won't bloody know!" replied Christine fluffing up her blonde hair.

Mick chuckled and John put his arm around his wife's waist as they entered the restaurant.

Stevie sat nervously biting her lip and Lindsey tapped his leg as they seen a very tall man dressed like an aristocrat, a shorter bearded man and a stunning blonde wearing bell bottoms, a white, flowing shirt with a black vest walking towards them, Stevie couldn't help think the woman looked rather enchanting "Oh my god, Linds, this must be them!" whispered Stevie noticing how their eyes locked onto Lindsey and her, she was so on edge wondering if Fleetwood Mac was their destiny, but what if they didn't like them? Thousands of thoughts rushed through Stevie's mind, she knew she was sick of being a broke house cleaner and waitress, after the Buckingham Nicks record didn't hit the success they needed it too, they were back at square one and making a second record wouldn't help either in Stevie's eyes if the first one hadn't pulled them through. 

"Hello, I'm Mick, you must be Lindsey and Stevie, nice to meet you!" said Mick overtoweing everyone and speaking as friendly as always reaching his hand out.

Lindsey stood up and shook it "Yes, I'm Lindsey and this my girlfreind Stevie, nice to meet you as well!" He smiled, Lindsey was always good around people.

Stevie just sat there feeling weird and shy "I like your music!" she said awkwardly, she had already had three glasses of wine and she was feeling it kicking in and after that comment she felt stupid, never had she been extremely shy, but their futures depended on this working out and she couldn't be the one to fuck it all up.

"Thanks, Stevie!" smiled Mick.

Christine looked at Stevie, she thought she was mysterious and adorable, her golden curls draped around her innocent face and a  lacy black dress, but,  it was clear she was nervous and Christine felt sorry for her, nervous herself.   She remembered the first time she had been on stage with  "Chicken Shack" her original band, she had to get drunk and stoned to work up the courage, no one really knew how shy she was in certain predicaments.

She had often felt as nervous as Stevie looked, poor little thing, Christine thought, she looked as scared as a deer lost in the headlights and God, she was beautiful, thought Christine reaching her hand out "Hi love, I'm Christine, how are you?" now she felt dumb what a stupid question, Christine had always been an introvert, unless she had a lot to drink.

Stevie smiled, this Christine in front of her seemed very lovely and acted sort of nervous too, but she had a strong feeling about her, she seemed warm and welcoming "I'm really good actually, it's lovely too meet you, I was really nervous but, now I'm not!" blurted Stevie "This is our destiny if it works out!"  Stevie reached out and shook Christine's hand, smiling at her.  Stevie also sensed Lindsey's annoyance with how she spoke but it was like Christine's sexy, British voice had just cast a spell on her. 

They all began talking more and more and it was decided Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham were joining Fleetwood Mac, there was no questions asked, just a date to start making a record and Stevie felt relieved, so did Christine as they walked to the toilets together.

The wine had kicked in to Christine making her speak more openly as did Stevie's presence "It will be so wonderful, having another girl in the band, guys can just be too much sometimes!" she laughed.

Stevie smiled, she couldnt believe the instant connection Christine and her had already made "I really hope we do join, I had to basically force Lindsey to this, I was so nervous that no one would like me but, your the perfect band member to have!" answered Stevie.

"I was perfect before I married John!" laughed Christine "I am happy your joining, I hope we can have a lot of good times together and hopefully be good friends!" Christine smiled. 

"You are married?" asked Stevie, then felt stupid.

"Yes, before that my last name was perfect, are you psychic miss Nicks?" smiled Christine looking into Stevie's golden brown orbs,  oh how she could drown in them, what was wrong with her, she must have drank way too much!

"Oh my god, I always thought I was a bit psychic, different and strange things have happened before that's why I'm into different things like that." smiled Stevie, it was like she had know Christine forever, they continiued chatting and Stevie felt a strange feeling about Christine, which she couldn't explain, it was like how she felt about Lindsey when she met him, it wasn't like a best friend feeling like she had with Robin, it was weird, maybe she drank too much or smoked too much pot before coming there.

They all ended up finishing the night and leaving, Mick told them he'd call them soon and walked out with the Mcvies "Well Chris?" he asked.

"Far out, Mick they have too join, they are amazing!" she said.

"I thought so, I just wanted to make sure!" he grinned.

Lindsey looked at Stevie, "God, you acted dumb at first!" he said.

"So what, they didn't think so and I think their lovely!" she replied "Let's go home angel!" she said resting her head on his shoulder.

"Fine, you owe me for this, you had better make me feel good!" he smirked grabbing her ass. 

She gasped, she felt really turned on, but why was she thinking of Christine?

Her and Lindsey left the restaurant and went back to where they were staying, as soon as the door was closed Stevie pushed Lindsey onto the bed and made love to him. He had no complaints, but she couldn't stop thinking of Christine. 

"Come on Johnyboy, let's have some fun!" said Christine grabbing his white shirt and pulling him into their house. 

"You are so sexy!" he smiled as he kicked the door closed and she pulled him to the bedroom "Maybe you will put out more since the stress of Fleetwood Mac is dealt with!" John chuckled, she hadn't been like this for ages, she was already ripping off her clothes and helped him with his, then pulling him on top of her and laughing as she kissed him, but why was she thinking of Stevie?

*Hope this isn't too awful, my first Nickvie story*

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