Part Three

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Khushi pushed the door open, she closed it quietly behind her, frowning when she noticed all the lights were off. She had hoped Arnav would be awaiting her return, that maybe they could talk this through and this would all just be a silly misunderstanding of hers.
She wanted so badly to believe he was afraid of taking the relationship further, just like she was, that there was no other possible reason for them arriving at the place they were currently at.

Khushi stepped into the living room, the light from the moon lit up Arnav's sleeping figure.
She couldn't help the smile that lit up her face, he had waited for her but had fallen asleep.
She walked over to him, ensuring her steps were quiet and held his hand.
"Im here" she gulped, she wanted to apologise for her actions, she knew Arnav loved her just like she loved him.
"Im really sorry about earlier" she whispered, Arnav sat up slowly, making her hand drop from his

"You knew when you married me, that I was a busy man, I never expected you to get angry at me for my success, for making a life for us"
Khushi recoiled "I married you because I thought you would love me the way I have come to love you, I didnt expect you to love your work more than me, I know you are busy and you try hard, but what about me, my feelings, all I have ever wanted from you was for you to notice me, pay attention to me like you do your work, and if you can't do that, then"

She released a heavy sigh "Then, what are we doing here, I married you, but you married your work"
Arnav brought his hand up, massaging his temples "I do a lot for you, you just dont realise it, I show you I care, just not in the most ovbious ways"
Khushi nodded "I know you care, you let me in and you didnt let anyone else in, and I will always be greatful for that, but sometimes I just need to hear you say you love me"
"Then you're asking for to much" he stood up, walking past her

Khushi stood up "Im going to stay with Lavanya for a while, ill be gone in the morning"
Arnav clenched his fist, he wanted to tell her how she was over reacting and how none of this was necessary, but he would never force her to stay if she didnt want to
"Okay" he swallowed painfully and walked into their room


Lavanya sat at the cafe opposite Khushi, her eyes widened as Arnav walked in with a business associate. Khushi was looking at her phone again "He still hasn't messaged me, should I contact him"
Lavanya shook her head "If he misses you, he will call"
Lavanya stood up, making her milkshake fall on her dress, Khushi giggled

Arnav looked up from his paperwork, he knew that laughter. He stood up, turning around, it had been so long since he had seen Khushi laugh, in fact he couldnt even remember if he had ever made her laugh, but he wanted to make her laugh, he wanted to be the only man that could.
But maybe, she was happier without him.
His jaw clenched when a man approached Khushi

"Hey, can I have your number"
Khushi looked up "Sorry, im married"
The man nodded "Shame" and walked away, Khushi stood up and turned around, her eyes met Arnav's.
Arnav went to step forward, Khushi's eyes zoned in on the woman's manicured hand wrapped around his wrist
"Arnav Sir, will you look at this now"
Khushi looked back up at Arnav, her chest tight, it had took her over a year to even make Arnav allow her to hold his hand, yet here this woman was, gripping his wrist and he hadn't even flinched

Lavanya walked back over, she grabbed Khushi's hand "Khushi, let's just go"
Arnav stepped forward again, walking towards Khushi, he had no idea what to say, but he needed her to come home, he couldnt sleep, couldn't eat, couldnt focus.
"Khushi, we have that party tonight, you're still coming right"
Khushi looked over his shoulder at that woman "Why dont you take her, she seems a better fit"
Then she stormed off, leaving Arnav gobsmacked


"I really don't think this is a good idea" muttered Khushi, shaking her head
Lavanya gripped her shoulders "You're going in and you're going to show him what he is missing, its his lunch break, just tell him you wont be at the party and just see what he says"
Khushi frowned "But I dont want to hurt him"
Lavanya shrugged "Did he ever think when he hurt you"?
"Suppose not" she grimaced and knocked on the door as Lavanya hid

"Come in" he called
Khushi pushed the door open and the closed it behind her, Arnav stood up straight away "Khushi, you're here"
His gaze was intense, it made her want to fall apart all over again, but she wouldn't break again when he stood so strong
"I just came to tell you that I wont be attending the party tonight"
Arnav nodded "Well, when will I next see you"
"Why do you even want to see me" she asked

Arnav really had no idea how to respond to that
"Our agreement says you have to be"
"Home atleast every other day, yes I know but I thought this marriage was something more than another business agreement for you"
She turned on her heel and walked out quickly as the tears flew down her face

I cannot thank you all enough for the overwhelming support on this story already and I really hope you enjoy part 3!

We got to 425 in General Fiction on the 8th of April!

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