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Dear Lavanya,

I know its been a long time since we have spoke. I guess I was so busy trying to live my dreams that I forgot the people that helped me get there.
I have a manager, his name is Shyam, and it took me way to long to realise he was abusing me and that his actions were wrong- I guess it was a case of his words being exactly what I would say to myself in my head.
He was the living version of the demons I fight in my head, and walking away from that was just to difficult.
I really do plan on starting afresh, and I can't apologise enough for how I left things with you when I moved away.

You were and always have been family to me, even when I got adopted and you didnt, you stuck by my side and im sorry I failed to do that for you.
I hope you're happy with NK, I heard you're engaged now, congratulations! Im so sorry I wasn't around for that.

This letter isnt asking for forgiveness for my actions, its just an apology and im just saying hi. I love you, and I miss you and if by any chance you feel the same, then please contact me, im home now, im home where I belong.
Love, Khushi.

Lavanya smiled softly as she read the letter, she had missed Khushi, a lot. More than she would like to admit, and she understood that dreams needed to be lived. But time had changed, and she wasn't sure if she could make herself face Khushi again.

She stood up, walking toward the mirror and stroked her pale cheek. Lavanya's hand shook as she touched her balding scalp. She jumped as NK wrapped his arms around her waist
"You have to tell her, before it's to late" he whispered, kissing her cheek

Lavanya shook her head "She's already lost so much, what's the point of returning to her life if ill just leave it again soon"


Khushi clapped as Arnav finished his speech. He stepped down from the stage, walking toward her

"Im so proud of you Arnav, I know I wasn't the only one in this room with tears in my eyes" she smiled, kissing his cheek

Arnav smiled "Shall we go get some food"

Khushi nodded "That sounds great" then as she turned, her eyes darkened. "You" she spat out, going to walk forward when Arnav's fingers wrapped around her wrist, stopping her

"Arnav, please, I just want to talk" his mother cried "Please"

Arnav sighed, then walked over "I dont think theres anything left to say"

Her face crumpled "There is, im sorry, sorry for not believing you, you're my son, you should have come first, but I never listened, I didnt want to believe that anyone could be that evil, and when you needed your mother the most, I wasn't there" she raised her hands "Khushi, you have been a blessing to my son, supporting him more than any of us ever could, and I dont expect you to welcome me back with open arms, just know that I believe you and i'm sorry"

Arnav's face fell "Sorry, you're sorry, for what, leaving me, sending me away, calling me a liar, telling me I am weak, disowning me, theres many things, what are you actually sorry for"

"All of them, Arnav I"

"No, don't, somethings are to far gone, somethings you just cant apologise for, somethings cannot be forgiven, when I needed you, you were not there, when I" he paused, his voice breaking "When I needed a mother, you became my enemy, dont come to me now because youve finally realised you were wrong, I begged you for years, but you never even batted an eyelid at me"

Then he was dragging Khushi away, out of the building so fast Khushi nearly tripped.
"Arnav, slow down, Arnav" she shouted making him stop

His breathing was fast, his eyes teary, all of his pain at the forefront once again, the acknowledgment he had seeked for so many years had finally came, but to many years to late

"Its okay Arnav, its okay to be hurt about this, you dont always have to be strong, I know I haven't been around, and that wasn't fair, but I am here now, please dont shut all of those emotions in, we can get through this together"


Arnav opened the door to see NK. "Arnav, can I speak with you, alone"

Arnav nodded "Sure, Khushi is asleep, ill come outside"

NK leaned against his car, brushing his hand through his hair stressfully, Arnav noted the dark circles underneath his eyes as he glanced up at him

"Lavanya got Khushi's letter, im here to ask you that Khushi doesnt contact Lavanya again"

Arnav raised his brow "Really, why"

NK shook his head "Lavanya has moved on in her life, she doesnt want to be around Khushi anymore, im sorry"

Arnav reached out, putting his hand on NK's shoulder "Is everything okay man"

NK looked up shocked "Yeah" he paused "Yeah, it is"

Khushi opened the door and came out "I was sleeping, im so sorry, I just woke up, Arnav why didnt you wake me up" then she paused, her brows furrowing "Where's Lavanya"

"Come on Khushi, lets go back inside, NK just came by to say that Lavanya is well, just busy at the moment" Arnav wrapped an arm around her waist

Khushi pulled away "No, no she isnt just busy, she wont speak to me, is she angry, is that why she's sent you and not come herself, NK please" she begged

NK swallowed painfully "Im sorry Khushi, she just isnt interested in being your friend right now"

"What, why, does she need time to think, that's fine, I have all the time in the world, ill always wait for her, you know that" she assured

"But Lavanya couldnt wait for you, she doesnt have that time" then he opened his car door and got in, driving away

Khushi looked up at Arnav "What did he mean by that, Lavanya is okay, isnt she" her voice wavered as she watched his car drive away

Arnav looked on silently, NK's reaction playing on his mind

Many questions I know, but Khushii+Arnav will not just be able to forget their trauma and move ahead in life.
They are stronger and they have moved forward but it isnt easy to fight your demons! This part of the story is going to be quite symbolic in terms of the things in life that it's to late for!

Again, thanks for all the love, I appreciate it so much!

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