Part Sixteen

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Khushi wrapped an arm around Arnav's waist as she led him back into the house. Nani had told them to return to India, away from Arnav's godforsaken parents and back to the life they used to live.

Khushi sat Arnav down, then stepped back, her eyes clouded with emotion as she passed him a glass of water and two tablets, all day she had tried to hold herself together but the fear that Arnav would once again try to take his life was all consuming

She was truly at a loss, what did she do? What did she not do?
It was the situations no one spoke about that were the hardest to deal with, where did they even go from here?
Acting like a happy married couple again wasnt an option

Arnav cleared his throat "Khushi, please stop staring at me like that"

She blinked, shaking her head "Sorry, im just worried"

"Im not going to go and commit suicide again if thats what you're worried about"

And this time, it was Khushi who flinched. She knew that, but did he have to be so brazen about it?
"Is it so wrong if that's what I am worried about, you nearly died Arnav, im so scared ill close my eyes and you'll be gone again, I dont know what I can do or what I shouldn't incase I push you to far, I just"

Khushi covered her eyes with her hand, her shoulders shook as she sobbed, Arnav stood up, holding her shoulders, he then raised her chin, pulling her hand away from her eyes
"You be you, thats enough, I can't apologise enough for what I have put you through"

But his words only seemed to make her cry more
"It shouldnt be you apologising, this isnt your fault, this is your uncle's and your parents and the stupid society that we live in, but not yours, never yours"

"But still I have made mistakes, I should have talked to you, I didn't, that was wrong, I should have treated you better Khushi, I got lucky with you, I shouldnt have taken that for granted" he released a heavy sigh, then pulled out an envelope from the drawer and handed it to her

Khushi's fingers shook, was this divorce papers? She ripped off the top, pulling the papers out, her eyes scanned the words, then she looked up tearfully

"You want to file a complaint against your uncle, are you, are you sure" she asked

Arnav nodded "I found a lawyer willing to take my case, it wasn't easy and hes from New York, thats what I was doing when I went there, but then you turned up and my plans failed, I acted on instinct and did what I did"

"You were gonna" her voice broke "You were gonna come back to me"

Arnav nodded "How could I not, I love you Khushi, throughout this all you have been my saving grace and so I want to do this for you, for us, to be the man you deserve"

Khushi swiped quickly at her tears "I love you to, dont ever scare me like that again" she wrapped her arms around his waist, clinging on like her life depended upon it


"So, now I have your statements and the pictures of your scars, I think I can show this to a court and get an arrest warrant for him" spoke the lawyer as the officer nodded along

Khushi held Arnav's hand the whole way, she leant forward kissing his cheek. She could never imagine how hard he was finding this.
She traced circles on the side of his hand with her thumb in an effort to calm both their nerves

Arnav stood up, Khushi stood next to him, her eyes widened as Arnav outstretched his hand for them to shake
His eyes closed tightly as they shook his hand, but he didnt move

Khushi smiled, pride filling her heart. Arnav turned, pulling her outside and they walked towards his car.
"Arnav, I just wanted to say how proud I am, you're doing so well and I"

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