Part Fourteen

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Nani stood at the front door "Im going to go out now, get some food"

Arnav looked up from his phone, the picture of Khushi smiling still at the forefront of his mind

"Do you want me to come with you"

She shook her head, "No, Jenny will take me"

Arnav's brows furrowed "Jenny"

The door opened, a small woman with chestnut brown hair looked over at him, she smiled

Arnav smiled back, he waited against the wall as Nani walked to the kitchen

"You're her grandson right, Arnav, she talks about you a lot" she smiled, "I didnt know you were so handsome"

Arnav stepped back, he looked down at her hand about to touch his arm

"Khushi" he stuttered "I have a wife, her name is Khushi"

Her eyes lit up "You have a wife, but she's not here is she, but I am" she stepped back as Nani walked in

"Shall we go" she asked, Jenny linked her arm through hers and walked out with her


Lavanya looked down at her phone "See, I warned you before we got here it was going to be cold"

Khushi sniffed "Now isnt the time to act like my mother, I made a mistake" she rolled her eyes

Lavanya shook her head, laughing "Its okay, it just gives Arnav an excuse to look after you"

She stretched her hand out before the taxi as it came to a halt, and they both sat inside

Lavanya grabbed her hand "You know which hotel ill be at, ill see you tomorrow morning"

Khushi hugged her "Thank you for all you've done for me"

"You stuck with me when we were young, when we had no one else but eachother, I owe you my life, dont thank me and embarass me"

Khushi smiled "Okay, I wont thank you again, but I wont ever forget all you've done for me"

Lavanya winked "You better not" she got out of the car, waving as the taxi drove off again


Arnav opened the door "That was" he stopped as Khushi looked up at him

He wanted nothing more than to fall to his knees, apologising and begging for her forgiveness

But he had to keep her safe

"Well, aren't you going to let me in" she asked

"You shouldn't be here, go home Khushi"

Maybe these few minutes would be enough to make him strong enough to set her free

"No" her eyes darkened, she wasn't going to give up without a fight

"What do you mean no" Arnav didnt want her to argue, he didnt have the strength in him to make her cry again

"Exactly what I said" she sneezed, her head shaking

"You're ill" he stated, pulling her indoors "Cant you ever take care of yourself, all these hours you work you tire yourself out"

She continued to stare up at him, unblinking, he quickly moved his hands off of her arms once he had realised what he had said

"Did you really think you could just leave and I wouldn't come after you, that isnt how any of this works" she wasnt going to tell him about the letter, not yet, she would wait for him to tell her why he left

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