Part Five

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"How was it" asked Lavanya, her arms crossed as Khushi walked through the door
Khushi nodded "Good, I think"
Lavanya shook her head "I dont think you should have gone in the first place in all honesty, when your mother died, he went away on a business trip, yet some woman touches him and he freaks out and you accompany him to a counselling session"

Khushi shook her head "He isnt good with dealing with heavy emotions, thats why he"
Lavanya let out a strangled cry of frustration "For how long will you continue to make excuses for him Khushi"
"Its hard for him okay"
"Oh yeah, and how is it so hard for him"
"Because he got abused when he was younger okay, he was taken advantage of and because his family were disgusted in him, they disowned him when he was to young to understand, he is my husband and I love him and I will always stand by him, he tries a lot and that is enough for me, he has a long way to go but that doesnt mean I just give up, what message would I be sending if I just gave up on him like everyone else had" Khushi shouted in pure exasperation

Lavanya's face dropped "Khushi, I didnt know, im so sorry"
"I love him" she sobbed "So much it hurts, and I cant leave him when he needs me, yes he has problems, but dont we all, and I just have to believe he loves me, but im scared, because I am all he has ever known, maybe thats why he stays, maybe he will find someone else and he will love them, but I need him to" she covered her face with her hands, Lavanya ran over and held her in her arms "Shhh its okay Khushi, im sure he loves you to, go home Khushi, you both should be together hmm"


Arnav looked up as Khushi walked into the living room, putting her keys on the table.
"You came back" he stood up slowly, the dark bags under his eyes very visible, Khushi knew he hadnt slept, just like she hadn't
"I didnt think you would come back"
Khushi stepped forward slightly "Ill always come back"
Arnav swallowed the lump in his throat, he scratched the back of his neck "Did you leave because I won't have sex with you, because we can if it will make you stay"

Khushi felt her heart break in that moment "No, of course not, I left to clear my head, but I won't do that again" she reached out to take his hand but he flinched.
Khushi pulled her hand back, she understood but she felt like she was ten places back again.
She cleared her throat, "I guess, its back to our old routine then"
Arnav looked up at her, holding his hand out for her to take

She shook her head "Its okay Arnav, I dont want to force you to do something you're not comfortable with, ill sleep on the sofa tonight"
"If thats what you want" he replied, deflated, he was hoping she would sleep with him, but he couldnt force her to.
He walked closer to her, he knew Khushi, she would never hurt him, so he had no idea why he had flinched at the thought of her touch when it was what he had wanted for so long, he stepped forward again, now his shoulder right by hers

Khushi turned her head to the left and looked up at him.
"Is there something you want to say Arnav" she took a deep breath in, allowing his familar scent to wash over her.
"You dance with others right"
Her brows furrowed and she nodded
"Well, would you dance with me"
"Are you sure"
He took her hand in his and pulled her closer

He wrapped both arms around her waist, she led her cheek on his chest and closed her eyes. It didnt seem to matter that there was no music as she raised her hands and rested them under his arms on his back. It didnt seem to matter that they werent dancing, just swaying and holding eachother close.
Because, nothing seemed to matter when they were in eachothers arms

"I really dont know what i'd do if I didnt have you" whispered Khushi into his chest, Arnav pulled back, looking down at her. There was still so much to explore with her and so much to explore about her, he would never understand why she stayed, maybe it was just the contract
He just had to ask
"If there was no contract, would you still stay"

"Would you want me to"
He didnt want to make her feel she had to stay, but god he wanted her to.
"Arnav, please, just tell me what you want" her eyes burnt with unshed tears, he pulled back quickly "Did I hurt you, im so sorry"
"What, no" she went to pull him back but he shook his head
"I always upsett you, im not good enough for you, you deserve better"
"No please, im sad because I want you to want me to stay"

"Ask you to stay in this hell hole with me, never, what I want doesnt matter"
"It matters to me" she held his hand and kissed his palm "Please dont push me away"
Arnav shuddered, closing his eyes tightly as she wrapped her arms around his waist again "I love you Arnav, I want to stay, please let me stay"
She looked up painfully at the tears rolling down his face

"Please dont cry" she begged
"Im a monster" he uttered, like it was the biggest confession of his life "For keeping you here when you deserve better, I have to let you go"
Khushi shook her head "But, I dont want to go"
"Its not your job to look after me, you deserve love"
"But you love me, right, you love me dont you Arnav, you dont have to say it but I know you do" her resolve weakening when he didnt reply

"You are the only good in my life, no one loves more than a broken man"
Arnav opened his eyes as he felt her let go of him, she sat on the sofa, her head in her hands as she sobbed
"Khushi, why are you crying, please dont cry"
She looked up "Can I kiss you Arnav"
"Kiss me" he asked, he felt his heart race. He never expected Khushi to want to kiss him, he nodded
Khushi stood up on the sofa, pulling him closer she pressed her lips to his, she brought his hands to her waist and gripped the back of his neck

"I knew you loved me to" she whispered against his lips
Arnav took a heavy breath "To"
She smiled softly "I love you, I was crying because I was happy"

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