Part Ten

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Since we have had quite a lot of Arnav's views, I think its time to show Khushi's fears, and her past.

So, this may also be a little unexpected, but I am hoping you enjoy it still

Lavanya smiled at Khushi, squeezing her hand "You okay Khushi, you look a little pale"

Khushi smiled softly, pushing her food around her plate

"I just, I didnt expect her to be here, after all these years, bumping into her, it just"

She took a deep breath "I guess it just brought stuff back, for me"

Lavanya wanted to say that Khushi didnt need to fear anything anymore, but she knew first hand that words hurt, and they always had an impact

"Excuse me" Khushi stood up, walking towards the bathroom

She threw water on her face, her hands shaking, she looked up into the mirror

"You really gonna eat that Khushi" Laila slurred while she eyed her up and down "I dont think you need to eat that"

Khushi shook, shoving the plate away, she stood up slowly, her head down as she tried to pass the group of girls

A firm hand grabbed her arm, twisting it, she hissed

"Here, take this, you may need it"

Khushi looked down at the gym pass, her stomach churned

Shoving past them she ran away, toward the bathroom

Opening the stall door, she knelt on the floor, shoving her fingers down her throat, she wretched

Khushi raised her hand, pulling at her cheek tearfully, she hated her body, felt so insecure about it

She bowed her head, about to make herself be sick, her eyes burnt with tears as she thought of Arnav

How on earth had she managed to get a man as good looking as Arnav?

The bathroom door opened, Arnav stood, smiling

"I came to pick you up, Lavanya said you ran off in a hurry"

"I, uh, you're not meant to be in here" she spoke, he wasnt meant to see her like this, he wasnt meant to be here right now

His eyes ran over her body, his eyes lit with concern

"You okay, Khushi" he stepped in, shutting the door behind him

How did he always know?

"Im fine" she laughed

He raised his brow in disbelief "No you're not, what can I do"

"Do I look fat to you" she asked, looking away, she didnt want to see the disgust in his eyes before he answered

"Look at me"

She looked up at him, he smiled "You look perfect, as usual, has someone said something to you"

She wasnt sure why she bothered trying to hide anything from him, he always saw right through her anyway

"I saw Laila, I wasnt expecting it, it just brought it all back for me"

He let out a hum, "Its not that I dont want to talk about it, I do, just not in the women's bathroom, some woman is going to come in here and get the shock of her life, so lets go, get you some chinese since thats your faviourate and talk about this"

"Okay" she concurred


Arnav sat opposite Khushi as she looked away from her food.

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