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Khushi sat outside Lavanya's house "Im not leaving till you come out" she shouted again "I know you're home" she stood up, about to knock on the door again when it swung open

Lavanya glared at her, "What do you want Khushi"

"I want to talk, I get you're mad at me, but sending NK to tell me you want nothing to do with me is low, ive known you since the day you were born, relationships like that dont just end this easily"

Lavanya laughed "Oh, yeah im the low one, where were you when I needed you, I contacted you all the time, you rarerly answered because you were to busy living the dream, clearly this relationship you say we have had less importance than your dream"

"It was never like that Lavanya, I promise you, it never was, I love you, please dont shut me out now, you got my letter right, I explained everything then" Khushi stepped forward but Lavanya raised her hand, stopping her from coming closer

"Just go home Khushi, you didnt care then, when I needed you, you weren't there"

"But im here now" Khushi reasoned

"Its to late now" she shouted, pulling off her wig "Im dying Lavanya, im dying, its to late for you to care now" she sobbed

Khushi's face paled "You have to be joking, Lavanya, tell me youre joking, it isnt your time yet"

Lavanya shook her head "Ive come to terms with it Khushi, nothing can be done now, you should come to terms with it"

Khushi stepped forward, pulling Lavanya into her arms "Im here Lavanya, im here, ill stay with you till the end, im so sorry I wasn't here, please let me be your friend, please" Khushi begged

Lavanya closed her eyes tightly, hugging Khushi back "Okay, you can stay, just dont leave again"

Khushi pulled back "Theres no way you can cure it"

Lavanya shook her head "They cant find a match, no ones bone marrow matches with mine, im an orphan, I dont know if I have any family"

Khushi sighed in relief "Well I can get Arnav to use his job to look, he works with orphans sometimes, maybe he may be able to find out, its worth a shot right, you cant give up this easily" she cupped her cheeks "Im going to do everything I can to keep you with me"

Lavanya smiled "You would do that for me"

"I would do anything for you" she kissed her cheek "You're family"


Arnav led back on the sofa, huffing as he did "I will find her family, I promise" he turned to Khushi "As fast as possible"

"I know you will, im just worried we may run out of time, or that they will refuse, that's all, she's so young and shes only recently got her happiness, its not fair for her to have to give it up now, she's always supported me and I have to support her, she moved to another country with NK for us, no other friend would do that"

Arnav nodded "I understand, all we can do is try our best, hmm"

The doorbell rung and Khushi jumped up "Ill get it" she opened the door to see a package with her name on it, she bent down and picked it up, a smile on her face "Arnav, you didnt need to get me anything" she walked back

"I uh didnt" he looked up confused

"Oh maybe Lavanya sent it hm" she laughed and began to open it, only to see a box, she pulled it open to see smashed glass with blood on it, a dead rat led on top of it

"What did she get you" Arnav asked curiously

Khushi slammed it shut "Just women's things, you wouldnt understand" she laughed and walked into the bedroom, trying to catch her breath she picked up her phone and called Shyam. "That present was not acceptable and you know it, you need to leave me alone, you are no longer my manager Shyam, I am married, and if you carry on I will contact the police"

His laugh through the phone sent shivers down her spine "Oh Khushi, you cant still be pretending that's all we were"

"Stop, just stop, im married, you know ive never seen you as anything more than a manager" she argued in a hush voice

"Just come and meet me once, just once and ill leave" he pleaded

Khushi frowned "Fine, just once"


Khushi sat in the parking of the mall, tapping her hand on the bonnet as Shyam drove up, he parked the car, got out and traipsed toward her "I have 10 armed men all outside your house ready to shoot your husband if you dont get in my car"

Khushi gasped "No, please, please dont hurt him" she struggled in his hold as he dragged her to the car, opening the door he shoved her in, got inside himself and began to drive


Khushi let out a shrill scream as Shyam pulled her out of the car, he shoved her into the dimly lit garage and pulled down the shutter "I dont want to hurt you Khushi, I just want you to see me as the man you love" he grabbed her hair, dragging her to the pole, her feet scuffing across the floor, he pushed her to the floor, tying her up and gagging her mouth

Shyam leant back, kissing her forehead "So beautiful and all mine"

Sorry this is so late, have been busy and had writers block for this story!

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