Part Eleven

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Part 11-

Told myself I wasnt going to write another chapter for a week, but your comments just keep fuelling me on!

So, enjoy, Khushi and Arnav's uncle finally have their confrontation and all that comes with it.

Ready? I hope so, because this ones a rollercoaster, if youre like me and an emotional person, then grab some tissues, I might just break your heart

"Maybe I could just"

"No" she interrupted "For the tenth time, no I am going to the meeting alone, ill be fine, then ill be home, with you, okay"

She opened the front door and then spoke again "A cup of tea on the table, for when I get home" she slammed the door behind her

"You'll come home right, Khushi, you'll come home to me" he whispered, then turned around and walked to their bedroom


Khushi looked down at her nails, blowing on them, she looked back up

"So, this meeting, go on"

"What's to talk about, you want someone to make IT supplies, well we are your people, the form is signed"

Khushi looked down at the form "Okay, ive added some points, if you could just read through them"

The smile dropped from his face as he began to read

"What do you mean I have to be a certain distance away from this workplace and your home"

"Oh sorry, thats the restraining order I got against you, which include that you aren't allowed to contact this company, me or my husband"

"You think some flimsy order will keep me away"

She shrugged "Maybe, but you're nothing but an old man, hows that arthritis"

"How do you know about"

"Medical checks for everyone who works here, you are under my control now, dont you forget that, because I will rip you apart in seconds, imagine what would happen if the truth came out about the man that you are" she stood up, leaning toward him

"No one would believe you Khushi"

"Who would believe the deranged old man"

"Oh darling, you're messing with the wrong man, but take this as your one and only win, I will destroy Arnav, in ways you wont ever expect, and ill start with this"

He began to pull at his belt, tugging it off, he threw it to the side and Khushi grabbed it

She stood on his foot harshly, his trousers fell down
"Excuse me, excuse me, security"

"This man just pulled his trousers down infront of me, we dont accept nudity in the work place, could you escort him out please, oh and about further deals with this company, well, they are off the table, goodbye"

"You cant get rid of this meeting though, this deal"

"Watch me" she ripped up the paper as he was dragged away

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