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"Are you hungry" Shyam asked, looking up at a tear streaked Khushi. She shook her head, letting out a muffled groan at her pained wrists, he yanked the gag down from her mouth "Its okay Khushi, sh sh its okay" he leant forward kissing away her tears, she sobbed quietly

"Please, let me go, I wont tell anyone" she begged, her voice raspy from the crying

Shyam leant forward, pulling her chin down, he placed food in her mouth "When I said lose weight, I didnt say put it back on again, you know the rules, eat, then sick"

She shook her head fast "I want to go home, please"

"I just want to make you beautiful Khushi, that's all" he wiped away a tear of his own


Arnav picked up the phone "Hi Lavanya, sorry to bother you, but when will Khushi be home"

Lavanya coughed "Uh Arnav, Khushi isnt here"

"But, she said she was meant to see you, about the present she sent you"

Lavanya stood up "Arnav, I didnt send her anything"

Arnav paused, "Oh okay, I must have got confused, take care" he cut off, running to the bedroom he picked up the box, opened it and wretched at the dead rat on the broken glass, "Where are you Khushi"


"Do you want to speak to Arnav" Shyam asked, mockingly

Khushi nodded her head fast "Please"

"Then be sick, then ill let you speak to him, but you have to tell him you've gone away on a dancing trip"

Khushi sobbed as she lifted her hand to her mouth, forcing two fingers down her throat she wretched, vommiting into the bucket, swallowed then fell back

Shyam passed her the phone, she listened to the dialling

"Khushi, my god Khushi, where the fuck are you, ive been so worried, I called Lavanya and you werent with her" Arnav exclaimed

"I, I, dont you remember about that dancing trip I told you about"

Arnav frowned "Khushi, I saw what was in the box, where are you, im coming to get you"

"Oh, that, that was a joke between me and my girls, that's all, dont worry about me" she laughed sadly

"I always worry about you Jaan"

Khushi covered her mouth to hide her sob "Arnav do you think im beautiful"

"Of course Khushi, I always do, perfect as you are, why would you ask me that"

Khushi looked up at Shyam sadly "I" she stopped as she heard slamming on the shutter, she gulped fast, Shyam stood up, opening the garage door, he turned putting his finger to his lips

Shyam pushed up the shutter only to see a very angry Arnav, he grabbed his collar, punching him in the face "How dare you take my wife, huh" he kicked him, shoving him into the wall which made Shyam laugh, wiping blood from his mouth with the back of his hand

Arnav untied Khushi's wrists, pulling her up "I would kill you now, but even you dont deserve it that easy, if you ever come near my wife again, I will ruin you, and that's a promise" his chest heaved in anger

Shyam leant against the wall, pushing himself up, "If you think you can keep me away from the woman I love, you're wrong, jail bars wont hold me back" he laughed again as he was pulled up by a police officer "Bye Khushi, I love you"

Arnav lifted his fist, smashing it into Shyam's face, his nose cracked as he fell back, Arnav turned holding Khushi's hand and pulled her out, she shrieked as she passed Shyam, grabbing Arnav's arm quickly

"Just remember Arnav, I got a part of her you never will" Shyam spat

Arnav whipped around fast "Excuse me"

Shyam smirked "We made love, something you were never capable of"


"So that's why you stayed with him so long huh, because you were fucking him, you know what I gave you so many chances to just tell me that our relationship wasnt enough for you, but you never did, instead you cheat on me, is that what you call trust"

Khushi looked on dumbstruck at his words "Arnav, I"

"I DONT WANT TO HEAR IT" Arnav shouted "Ive had enough, no more excuses, I loved you and this is how you repay me, pack your bags and get out" his jaw ticked

"Loved me, that means you dont love me anymore" she whimpered

"After what you did, no and I never should have loved someone as cold hearted as you, now get out"

Khushi's face darkened "Mere liye itna chota vishwas" she swiped away her tears "A few words from him and you think I cheated on you, this isnt about how cold hearted I am, its about how cold hearted you are, throughout all your problems I stuck by you, I believed in you, I never doubted your love, I always trusted you, and this is how you repay ME" she pointed to her chest

Khushi laughed sadly "Oh ill pack my bags, I dont want to stay with a man who accuses before even asking me, but for the record, I stayed with him because I literally couldnt get away, you wanna know what he did, he tied me up, he drugged me, he forced me to be sick then said I would be beautiful eventually, its easier said than done to fight the demons in your head, but when they come to life its even harder and you more than anyone should know just how hard it is"

"Wait, Khushi"

"No, you didnt want to listen to me, so im not listening to you, vishwaas kimtee hai, and today not only did you lose trust in me, you also broke my trust, within this relationship and my trust for you" she turned pulling her suitcase off of the wardrobe and pulling clothes out of the cupboard

Arnav gripped her wrists, turning her around "Khushi, stop, please, I agree I didnt think before I acted and that was wrong"

"Your right, it was wrong and now this is over, I can take anything from you, but the minute you accuse me of cheating, thats it, that's crossing the line" she pushed past him, zipping up her case "Ill get someone to pick up the rest of my stuff"

"Khushi, please, you cant just leave"

She turned around slowly, tears in her eyes, her bottom lip trembling "The minute you lost trust for me, there was nothing left to stay for" she pulled open the door, slamming it behind her

Now I know many of you are going to be really annoyed that this story went this way, but I promise its only to better the story, and plus I like to experiment with the situations I handle, so I guess this is my way of saying some things never really go away and until they confront these issues, they will never truly be happy

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