What's Wrong

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(A/n okay so ik this ff is confusing but just wait I hope you keep reading:)
..you look up and see him, Jungkook. It's been one year since you've seen him in person. You two haven't spoken over the phone in 2 months. A lot has happened, you and Taehyung had started dating secretly. And he ran up to you with a wide,bright bunny smile. He gave you a huge hug and you automatically hugged him back. Unfortunately the first thing you thought of was Taehyung. You quickly let go and asked Jungkook "what are you doing here?!" "Well, I'm fully recovered and better then ever so you can return and I can do this last year." Jungkook says. Your eyes widen at the thought of leaving. You actually enjoyed military. Plus, you didn't want to leave Taehyung. "No." You say firmly. Jungkook and Taehyung are both in shock. "I love military service. And I also love Taehyung.." you say the last part quietly, but loud enough for them to hear. What do I do? You thought to yourself.
Jungkook's POV
I can't believe y/n has fallen in love with him. Is he gay? Or does he know she's a girl? You keep questioning the situation until you hear someone yelling your name. "JUNGKOOK..JUNGKOOKIE-AH..what's wrong?" Y/n says. You sigh at the sound of her calming voice. It's been so long since you've heard it. "Nothing I just thought you'd be happy to leave." You tell her. "But I see..clearly you've made up your mind..I'll be leaving now." You slowly turn and walk off, disappointed she didn't come after you. There's no flights back til tomorrow so I guess I'm staying the night.
Your POV
As Jungkook walks off you turn to face Taehyung as a tear rolls down your cheek. He pulls you into his embrace and calms you down. "Listen y/n..you need to go. Okay? It's for the best." You hear Taehyung say. You release the warm, calming hug and look back to see two other guys laughing and pointing at you two. You get furious. You stomp over there knowing exactly what they're laughing at. "WHAT THE HELL IS SO FUNNY?" You scream at them. They both flinch and start laughing more. You slap one across the face angry at him laughing. "...I said, what's. so. funny." You say in a confident voice. "*sigh* well we just didn't know Taehyung was gay" one guy says.
You quickly realize that everyone else thought you were a guy. "WELL GUESS WHAT IM NOT A GUY!" You scream. They looked shocked. You quickly take out the binders(a/n those are things that hold down girls boobs) and you can DEFINITELY see the difference. They sit there dumbfounded. You laugh and walk off, giving them the finger.(a/n haha cringey). When you turn around Taehyung is nowhere to be found..
(A/n lmao I'm gonna be posting a lot sine my exams are next week and you guys have a lot to read so yeah!:)

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