1.2 -Snatching childhood sweetheart(edited)

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A car made its stop, and a slender leg came down out of the opened door. When Su Yan was revealed, all eyes fell on her and captured the hearts of everyone around. Men felt their heartbeat accelerate uncontrollably, while women swelled with hatred and jealousy. Su Yan was much too beautiful for her own good, yet she ignored them all as she confidently trudged inside the building and into her classroom, where she quietly took the seat at the very back.

Classes begun and ended, but she didn't pay mind to the lectures for she already learnt the curriculum in her previous life. She took her time and leisurely, seemingly participating in class when in fact her mind was filled with schemes to accomplish her tasks. Tasks that would allow her to persevere with her life.

When school ended, she politely requested her chauffeur to send her to Cafe Coffee Day. This was a place where the ML visited often, almost every day from 6 o'clock PM, according to System 013. Her scheme was to capture his attention first and foremost, before the FL could do anything by the time she would arrive from abroad. Whatever sparks that could possibly ignite from their reunion would all be for naught henceforth.

As Su Yan patiently waited for the ML's arrival, she had already caught everyone's attention. A seemingly quiet beauty, sitting by herself. Who could she be waiting for?

It was at this moment that System 013's mechanical voice resounded in Su Yan's mind:

[Host, the ML is currently within 200 meters. His affection for you is currently at 0%.]

Su Yan paid no heed, remaining where she was at. Like a panther with sharp eyes waiting for her prey to land into her trap, though she continued to look demure.

[ML is now within 100 meters.] System 013 reminded once again.

As the ML got closer and closer, Su Yan's heartbeat grew louder in her chest. She didn't know whether she was excited or nervous, it could be both. She anticipated her meeting with him like her lifeline.

[Host, he is now at the entrance of Cafe Coffee Day.]

With that last reminder, Su Yan's eyes turned sharp, while her heart felt like it was about to burst out of her chest. It was at this moment that Su Yan took the seat at the Piano, her slender fingers swiftly dancing along the white and black keys. She was like an angel that could lull anybody into a nostalgic and melancholic dream, her music so lovely and heart wrenching to hear. Silence abruptly fell, as if all ears had turned deaf, only capturing the melody under Su Yan's fingertips.

Su Yan was so engulfed in her mesmerizing musical piece that the ML unconsciously turned to stare where she was at, his eyes dancing with emotions he had never felt before. There was interest, bewilderment and deep curiosity. He was captured by the scene as a newfound sensation spread across his chest, then he realized who the pianist was. She was the girl who always ranked second in exams!

As Su Yan did her best, System 013 kindly reminded her of her progress:

[Host, ML's affection for you has increased to 5%.]

Although it was a great accomplishment, Su Yan was displeased at how hard it was to increase the ML's affection. Merely a small inch with this effort, and she only had a week before the FL's transfer. She had to raise ML's affection to 40% at least within these 4 days, it was a must.

With her heart burning with passion, her fingers begun tapping the keys in a light-hearted tone. And just like before, the audience was captured into a world she created, their heart being lifted from a melancholic verse to a wonderful escapade. She had successfully captured them once again, to feel the music and change their mood accordingly. Just like that, the mood inside the cafe turned jovial with smiles spreading across everyone's face.

Su Yan briefly glanced at the ML who was looking thoughtful in his corner, drinking his coffee slowly. Their eyes met and sparks flew, there was intimacy at first sight. He felt his heart skip a beat, while she merely shrugged off the electrifying attraction from him. She thought that one enchanted moment was merely an illusion, yet System 013's told her otherwise.

[Host, ML's affection has increased by 5%, effectively making it 10%.]

Having no further intent at this point, Su Yan left Cafe Coffee Day, towards her home where she could strategize her next move. It was a fairly satisfying day.












here is the promised edited chapter~

my editor aka my hubby is busy with her book so please give her some time~

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