1.4 -Snatching childhood sweetheart(edited)

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In a spacious gym, the hall was filled with a mass of black heads. The lines of bright light fell on the well-tailored uniform of the students, and as the light passed through the high windows, a trail of dusts danced within the beam. It was a beautiful morning wherein the students of the prestigious academy was once again welcomed for another semester. This time, however, a lady of exemplary countenance stood on stage, smoothly encouraging the student body of a
new school year.

''Ladies and gentlemen. Fresh and returning friends, welcome to another wonderful year of learning. Yes, yes, I know. It may sound terrible. I mean, learning? Who wants to focus on that when youthful years is within our hands? But believe it or not, it is exactly at this point in time knowledge is what we need. Look to your right and to your left. What do you see?''

As Su Yan said this, several gullible students followed suit, turning their silly head to their left and right then facing her with confused gazes. Su Yan couldn't help but giggle, making everyone in the gym feel warm and tickled within, except for one.''He he... Sorry, sorry. You guys are simply adorable ah!'' Some students chuckled with her, making the atmosphere friendlier and warmer. Even Li Song stifled a laugh, looking at Su Yan with his gentle eyes that could melt many ladies' heart at sight. It was obvious to see that he viewed that beautiful and energetic lady on stage as someone special in his heart.

She continued to say, ''As you can see, you are surrounded with friends. Going to school is only boring and nonsensical if you ignore the potentials. An educational institution is a place of learning, but it is also a place where peers your age and similar interests gather. I believe if you only reach out a hand, a whole new world will spread before your eyes.

''Just like me.''When she said this, her mischievous eyes fell on Li Song, garnering the attention of some students as well as making the target feel nervous, making him slightly conscious of Su Yan even more. Then her eyes moved on to her teachers and friends, smiling at them with her charming smile, flashing her two rows of pearly white teeth. ''It's really a pleasure having you with me as I solidify my future, and I hope to help you all in creating memorable moments that can help you as you step outside this phrase of life. A goal is only but a goal that cannot be reached without the help of others.

 ''After all, we are humans. We are social animals. Haha..''

It can only be said that Su Yan really made the first morning assembly enjoyable for everyone, except for Zhi Rou who had recently transferred. Thanks to Su Yan's academic achievements, she was asked to give the student body a speech. If it was the previous Su Yan who originally resided in this body, this opportunity would have been missed in hope of keeping herself low-key. This current Su Yan thought otherwise. To take hold of good opportunities and perform them well, she successfully garnered Li Song's silent approval, making her even more attractive in his eyes. She was independent, smart and capable, which was the type of woman Li Song found very endearing.

However, the more Su Yan earned Li Song's recognition, the more Zhi Rou felt ill at ease. She could clearly see Li Song's mirth in his eyes as they fell on Su Yan. Nibbling her finger, she silently cursed in her heart. She had always been with Li Song and kept their communication intact throughout the years they were apart, only so that she could be the one to receive Li Song's heart. Ever since their first meeting, Zhi Rou had long decided that Li Song could only be her's and nobody else's.  Li Song was her's.

Hatred and jealousy broiled in her heart, and where then reflected in her eyes. She bore holes on Su Yan's face with her glare that were so piercing they could kill someone at sight, if only eyes could shoot laser beams...

Meanwhile, Su Yan walked down the stage after briefly sharing her thoughts of what could make a student's life fun and exciting, successfully creating a hype with many students that were already looking forward to mingle. Her positive vision impressed Li Song even more.

[Host, ML's affection for you has increased to 50%, while FL's affection for you is at -20%. Please be reminded that once this negative affection reaches down to 100%, your safety could be put at risk.]

System 01's reminder stunned Su Yan. 'I haven't even done anything to her so why is her affection down to -20% already?'

[Host, the Female Lead despises every girl who possess both beauty and brains. She is now within a meter radius.]

Su Yan wanted to puke blood at the Female Lead's nonsense, especially when they hadn't formally met. This sort of jealous person was the most annoying to deal with as they wouldn't usually care for consequences. While she conversed with Li Song as they left the venue together, Zhi Rou's figure slowly approached.

Amidst the clatter of students, a bell-like voice sounded. ''Song ge, long time no see!!''

When Li Song and Su Yan turned, their blank gazes met with Zhi Rou's charming smile that could be described as sweet as honey and cute like a cat. Her negative emotions were skillfully hidden behind the brilliant passion for Li Song, the man that always made her heart skip a beat.

Once she was in front of Li Song, she looked at him with her upturned limpid eyes while her small mouth pouted a little, attempting to illicit some affection from the young man. As she wiggled her hips, she then sweetly said:

''Did you already forget me after being separated for 4 years? I just went abroad and here you are with a friend I don't know about!'' As she continued to pout, her tone of voice had changed from purring to being aggrieved. Her limpid eyes glanced up at Su Yan with a hint of accusation.

With Su Yan's sharp senses, she shrugged at the Female Lead's actions, inwardly rolling her eyes. Li Song didn't readily reply but it was obvious to see that he wasn't very happy. He valued his time spent with Su Yan so when Zhi Rou just suddenly popped out, immediately demanding for an explanation, he became slightly irritated. He then sighed and was about to reply when he saw Zhi Rou step forward to hug him. By reflex, he executed a flawless side-step that wasn't noticeable by many. He found himself increasingly displeased.

Zhi Rou almost tripped on herself. Once she caught herself, she turned to viciously glare at the innocent Su Yan at the side. The latter didn't feel wronged but amused instead.

''We can catch up later, Zhi Rou. If you'll excuse '' Li Song briefly said, grabbing Su Yan's wrist at the same time. They left Zhi Rou with her shoulders shaking with pent-up emotions. With a stomp of her foot, she unwittingly followed with clenched hands. She was so jealous and angry that the pain from her nails stabbing her palms couldn't be felt. Her heart bled as her eyes saw how the man she has always loved animatedly talked about something with a girl of unknown origin!

Henceforth, she pledged she would get in their way.

[Host, ML's affection for you has increased to 60%, while FL's at -30%.]

Just the first day, Su Yan was marked dead by Zhi Rou.

















say yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my exams got over ^-^

one more chapter coming soooooonnnnnnnnn todayyyyyy !!!!!!!!!!

please like and comment !!

i feel nice listening to comments~!

thanks the wonderful @aquaseries for the chapter

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