1.5 -Snatching childhood sweetheart(edited)

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Amidst the bustle of the students at a certain corridor, a handsome lad held a couple of movie tickets preciously in his hands. The clutter of others were ignored, for his determined eyes were focused on the desire to reach his friend's classroom.

He had intended to invite Zhi Rou as a way to celebrate her return, yet after the happenings of yesterday, whatever good feelings he initially felt for her had vanished. Although ultimately, he much preferred to spend his time with Su Yan, the friend he was currently trying to reach.

Unlike Zhi Rou, Su Yan was independent, proper and sensible. He was a little disappointed that she wasn't as clingy as he wanted her to be, at least with him, but this current distance between them was not bad. For now, that was fine.

He hadn't realized that he only felt disappointed with Su Yan's independence due to his
profound feelings for her. If it was any other woman, such as Zhi Rou, he would much prefer they stay away a few feet more. There was no need for clinginess nor nonsensical complaints to be dump upon his person.

When he reached her classroom, most eyes fell on him. Everyone knew the handsome Li Song and most students knew how good his relationship with their class model, Su Yan.

They held their words and respectfully left the two youngsters to their own world.

As soon as he saw Su Yan at her desk, quietly reading, his mood uplifted while the corners of his lips unconsciously raised. Feeling the sudden tension in her surroundings, Su Yan curiously looked up only to meet eyes with Li Song, making her smile effeminately. With this small smile, Li Song's heart skipped a beat, yet his steps did not falter.

'' Song'ge..''

Hearing her voice that was as smooth as silk and warm as spring, he took courage to ask

'' Yan'er, would you please watch a movie with me today?''

A few sharp gasps resounded, but the two of them ignored them. Su Yan was pleasantly surprised, her smile deepening, making her eyes turn into crescents.

'' Song'ge...''

Happiness laced her voice as her eyes danced with mirth. Seeing her pleased, Li Song secretly thought he should do this more often.

'' ...I would love to come and watch the movie with you...''

Behind her sweet smile, mischievous thoughts swirled. She was excited to know how Zhi Rou would react to this development. After all, her beloved Li Song had asked someone else for a

Later that day, Su Yan dressed herself up. Wearing an elegant black dress with simple designs,she looked at herself on the body-length mirror approvingly. Despite how composed she was taking this invitation, she was actually quite excited for there had been nobody who had asked her on a date in her previous life. Sadly, her unfaithful fiance took that white lotus on a date, spending their time in all sorts of excitement and romantic adventures behind her back. Just
remembering those moments when her fiance gave her all sorts of excuses, she was briefly disheartened at how foolish she was to believe a man's words.This time, she had the upperhand.

Li Song arrived on time to pick her up at 6:30 P.M. When his eyes laid upon her, a gentle breeze blew, making his heart aflutter, along with the swaying of her dress and lustrous soft hair. He was momentarily dazed, for this was the first time he saw her dress herself up. Yet despite her subdued makeover, it only made her even more attractive in his eyes.

With his bedazzled eyes, there was only one word that surfaced in his mind, ' Beautiful' That was what she was. His hand reached out for her' s, leading her personally into his car and madesure she wouldn't hit her head against the roof. Closing the door gently after her, he went

around and took the driver's seat and drove away to their date's destination.

In the crowd, Li Song and Su Yan caught quite a number of gazes, but they were already used to other's attention on them. With their hands intertwined, they went inside the cinema harmoniously .

'' Let me fetch our snacks.'' He briefly said. Su Yan tasked herself to find their seats first, and while she waited upon him, time dwindled down until the movie was about to start. So she texted him to make haste, and true to his reply, he came right away. There was a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, but happiness was plastered on his face.

'' Here, Yan'er. ''
He carefully handed her a bucket of popcorn and a cup of coke with a straw already pierced in it. Delighted, Su Yan gave her thanks,
'' Thanks, Song'ge~''

Soon after, their surroundings dimmed, then turning into completely darkness as the huge screen in front of them lit up to start rolling. The movie was a rom-com, which was supposedly popular to the younger audiences experiencing the heights of their youth.

Yet, Su Yanunexpected fell asleep in the course of the film, her head falling on Li Song's shoulders. With the dim light from the screen, Su Yan's features were further accentuated. She looked like a kitten, sleeping innocently at his side. Seeing this side of her, Li Song's eyes grew a few degrees softer. He gently tucked her hair behind her ears and kissed her forehead.

Hence, for the whole duration of the movie, Su Yan was asleep while Li Song enjoyed catering upon her as she leisurely slept away the time. When the movie finished, Li Song carefully princess carried Su Yan in his arms and drove her home.

It was expected that Li Song's appearance to Su Yan's home gave her parents a pleasant surprise, albeit too much. They were shocked, especially after he introduced himself properly.

Their daughter actually went on a date with the young heir of the powerful Li family, one of the most prestigious family in D City!

When Su Yan woke up, System 013 covered her with the details while she was unconscious.

She was flustered for a moment, her heart beating in her chest while her hand involuntarily caressed her forehead... there was a wry smile on her lips.

If only she met someone like Li Song in her first life, someone caring and gentle, she might not have fallen in the abyss of destruction, sadness, grief and anger. She wouldn't be here, plotting for someone else's life just for the sake of revenge. Can she possibly fall in love again?

Can she trust a man once more?

Putting unanswered thoughts aside, she leisurely asked for Zhi Rou's reaction and what she was informed was a certain girl's craze.

Zhi Rou was so upset to the point her mind could flip and turn the world upside down. She heard of Su Yan and Li Song's date from her henchmen. Due to her anger, she trembled and begun smashing vases and other things around her room, not caring a wit if she hurt herself in the process. Her actions frightened the maids so much, making them scream inwardly of how much she looked like a Rabid Dog

On her bed, Su Yan almost fell on the carpeted floor from laughing. It was her delight to make Zhi Rou mad. Blame that girl's false persona ah!

[Host, ML's affection for you is at 95%, while FL's at -50%. Please be careful of the FL's anger, for you could be put in danger when her negative emotions explode at once.]

Despite System 013's kind reminder, Su Yan continued to laugh, feeling very happy at making a certain white lotus feel bad. This left System 013 feel a little helpless. Should she really be this playful? She could really get into serious trouble...
Sorry guys for being ded for so many days.. I will try to update next week.

Also it seems Aqua series isn't active anymore so is it fine if i publish unedited chapters???
Please comment yes or no.

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