Chapter 9 - Facing the Two-Face

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Harry Potter and all characters, etc. belong to J.K. Rowling, not me.

Harry McGonagall – Chapter 9 – Facing the Two-Face

At breakfast the next morning, the trio noticed that both Hagrid and Charlie Weasley were sitting at the head table, along with a woman they'd never seen before. Professor Dumbledore stood up and made an announcement that shocked most of the students.

"Today, I'm afraid that I must inform you all that Rubeus Hagrid, keeper of keys and grounds here at Hogwarts for nearly fifty years, has decided to leave us."

Harry noticed that Dumbledore was looking straight at him and so he made sure his Occlumency shields were up. Despite the twinkle in his eyes, both Harry and Hermione knew he was displeased, though Harry was glad the headmaster didn't attempt to read his mind.

"Those of you who know Hagrid will probably recall that he has always wanted a pet dragon. Now his dream will come true in a way. He has been offered a position at a dragon reserve in Romania and has accepted. Mr. Charlie Weasley has been working at the same reserve for nearly a year and will be escorting him. They'll be leaving an hour after breakfast, and therefore the first classes of the day have been cancelled to allow you all a chance to say goodbye to our friend." He turned to Hagrid, who appeared on the verge of tears. "We wish you the best of luck. Hogwarts won't quite be the same without you."

The whole school (except for the Slytherins) applauded. When the applause subsided, Albus motioned to the unidentified woman at the table. "This is Madam Grubbly. She will be taking over Hagrid's duties. We were fortunate that she was willing to come on such short notice. Let's give her a warm welcome."


After breakfast, several students, including Harry, Hermione, Padma, and the Weasleys gathered around Hagrid to wish him well. After he'd greeted them all by name, Hagrid said, "Goodbye, all a ya! Don' go wand'rin' 'round the ForbiddenForest alone. Good luck on yer exams."

A few tears started falling down the half-giant's face into his beard. He turned around and walked out the entrance hall while most of his well-wishers followed. Harry gasped when he saw that the motorcycle was parked just outside the door, with a Nimbus 2000 beside it. Charlie Weasley mounted the broom as Hagrid got on the motorcycle.

Harry was having a bit of a flashback to the day he rode it, but didn't show any outward sign of it. He smiled as both men began rising in the air and waved like everyone else until they disappeared before leaving the grounds so that no muggle would accidentally see them. The kids then turned around and walked back into the school.


Time passed quickly after that, with the trio double-checking the third-floor corridor for Fluffy every few days, but concentrating mostly on preparing for the end of year exams. They glanced at Dumbledore with relief at every meal, knowing that Voldemort probably wouldn't go after the stone that day. While Harry and Hermione didn't have to spend much time reviewing that material, they did spend quite a bit of time helping their study group.


On Mother's Day, Harry and Hermione both decided to call their mothers on their mirrors. Each had arranged for a gift to be sent.

"Happy Mother's Day!"

"Thank you, Harry," Cindy said with a smile. "I love your gift. So does Brianna."

"Don't tell me you're giving her the chocolates, mom," he said, "I got them for you!"

"All right, Harry. I won't tell you."

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