Chapter 27 - An Unremarkable Christmas

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Harry Potter and all characters, etc. belong to J.K. Rowling, not me.

Harry McGonagall – Chapter 27 – An Unremarkable Christmas

Harry and Hermione managed to eat dinner in peace after they got Brianna to go to her table. Padma was sitting there beaming but didn't say a word about their new relationship. There were a few people who pointed at Harry and Hermione and whispered, but not that many. It would've been a lot more if one of them were famous. Once the new couple was finished, they got up and walked hand-in-hand to the Ravenclaw common room, where Brianna wasn't allowed. They were sitting together in front of the fireplace when Padma caught up with them.

"I take it things went well," she commented, "judging by how close you two are sitting."

"You could say that," replied Harry, trying to sound nonchalant, although the big goofy grin on his face was ruining his act.

"We are officially dating," added Hermione happily.

"I'm so happy for you," said Padma. She leaned in a bit closer to the couple. "So, have you two kissed?" The tomato-red faces on her two best friends were all the answer she needed. "You have!" she declared while they tried to hide their faces. "So, how was it?"

"Brilliant," muttered Harry without looking up. Hermione nodded in agreement.


The next day, Harry and Hermione managed to get through breakfast at the Ravenclaw table without any teasing, but Harry could tell by looking at his sister's face (she was facing them from the Gryffindor table) that she was saving it for later. As usual, the McGonagalls wouldn't be riding the Express, instead apparating to the airport to floo to America. Also as usual, they rode the thestral-drawn carriages with other students. This time, however, Aunt Minnie rode with Brianna and her friends in the carriage ahead of Harry, who rode with Padma and Hermione.

"Well, guys, I hope you like my gifts."

"I'm sure we will, Harry," said Hermione.

"I'll bet Hermione gets a better gift than me," Padma fake-pouted. "I'm just your friend, not your kissing partner."

Both of her companions were now blushing madly, but Harry managed to say, "This doesn't bother you, does it Padma? I don't want you to feel..." He trailed off, unsure how to phrase what he was thinking.

"I was just kidding," Padma replied. "Honest. I'm very happy for both of you."

"Good," said Hermione, looking like she was thinking hard. "Now, we've just got to find you a boyfriend next term. What do you think of Michael?"


The trio was still discussing possible boyfriends for Padma when they arrived at Hogsmeade. As Harry was helping Hermione off the carriage, a familiar voice called out, "It's about time. I thought your carriage would never get here. You are being a good boyfriend, though."

"I'm glad you approve, Brianna," Harry replied.

"So, Hermione. How bad a kisser is my brother?"

The girl in question was blushing when Minerva spoke up. "Brianna! One doesn't ask that sort of question." She turned to Hermione and Padma. "Would you keep an eye on Brianna until I get back? I'm going to apparate Harry to the airport first and come back. I'm not comfortable apparating two passengers."

"Don't forget to let the new couple kiss each other goodbye," suggested Brianna, yet again embarrassing the new couple.

Sighing, Harry did go up to Hermione and hug her tightly. "You don't really want to kiss for that audience, do you?" he whispered in her ear.

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