Chapter 30 - The Rat Revealed

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Harry Potter and all characters, etc. belong to J.K. Rowling, not me.

Harry McGonagall – Chapter 30 – The Rat Revealed

"Hurry up, Moony!" screamed the crazy-looking man at the mirror in his hand before pocketing it. Harry and the others were drawing their wands. Sirius took a step toward Harry and said, "Well, well, well. Hello, Harry Potter."

"Stop right there, murderer!" shouted the Boy-Who-Lived. "How do you know who I am?" A small part of him was relieved that everyone present already knew his true identity, so Sirius hadn't revealed any secrets. Another part of him was scared to death that this killer knew who he was.

"Your scent," he answered simply. "I used to spend a lot of time at your house with you and your parents."

"Before you betrayed them!" shouted Brianna. All the kids were now pointing their wands at the fugitive, who seemed unconcerned.

"I didn't betray Lily and James. It was this rat!"

"Ronald Weasley's pet?" asked Hermione. "That's preposterous!"

"It may seem that way at first, but it can be explained," came a calm voice from behind the kids.

"It's about time you got here, Remus," declared Black.

The kids turned around to see Professor Lupin pointing his wand at them – not Sirius. He said, "Everyone calm down and lower your wands and nobody will get hurt."

"I trusted you!" shouted Harry as his face turned red. "And you've been helping him all this time!"

"What's going on here?" shouted the Muggle Studies teacher, who'd returned because she'd forgotten something in the cabin. "Professor Lupin, why are you pointing..." She then noticed who was on the other side of the kids. "You're helping Sirius Black!" She reached into her pocket for her wand, but was too late.

"I'm sorry, Professor Burbage," stated Lupin calmly. "Stupefy." She was hit by the red beam of light and fell to the ground unconscious. He then glanced at the kids who were glaring at him and pointed his wand back at them. "I didn't hurt her. She might've gotten in the way. Now, I told you to lower your wands."

"Why should we, werewolf?" growled Padma. "Are you waiting for the moon to come out so you can bite us?" Hermione and Brianna had their wands on Black while Harry and Padma had theirs on Lupin.

The professor seemed shocked, and then noticed that only Brianna seemed surprised at this information. "How long have you known?"

"Months," answered Harry. "You were always sick on the full moon."

"And you didn't tell me?" asked Brianna, looking upset.

"At the time," growled Harry. "We didn't think he was dangerous." He glared at his professor. "I trusted you! I talked to you for hours about my birth parents! Were the aurors wrong? Was it both you and Black who betrayed the Potters and Pettigrew?"

"We didn't betray them, Harry," stated Lupin sadly. "Pettigrew did."

"And he's in my hand!" added Sirius with an excited grin. "I've waited thirteen years for this!"

"He's mad!" declared Hermione.

Lupin suddenly pointed his wand toward Hermione's general direction and released a spell. Harry jumped Lupin, pushing him to the ground. Hermione ducked before seeing the spell wasn't aimed at her, but at the rat in Black's hand. It hit the rodent, who was forced to change shape into a pathetic-looking short, balding, overweight man who Sirius was now holding by his throat.

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