Chapter 22 - American Summer

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Harry Potter and all characters, etc. belong to J.K. Rowling, not me.

Harry McGonagall – Chapter 22 – American Summer

"I just realized," commented Harry sadly as he stepped out of the main gate of Hogwarts, "that this is the last time that this castle will be my shelter from Brianna." He had his school trunk in one hand and Hedwig's cage in another. The snowy owl did not look happy to be caged up like that, but Harry had to keep her with him so she'd get to America. All the other students were similarly loaded down with luggage.

Hermione, who was walking next to him holding her trunk that had Rowena and Crookshanks' empty cages shrunk inside it (Rowena was flying home while Crookshanks was walking beside his master), laughed with Padma while the Headmistress, who was also walking with them, said, "Harry, you shouldn't say such things. You know you miss your sister."

"Maybe," he replied with a smirk, "but I did enjoy not having to worry about her waking me up with an Aguamenti spell."

Hermione promised, "I'll make sure to let her know you miss that," with a laugh. Harry shot his best friend a quick glare before boarding a carriage.

"I'll see you at the Platform," called Aunt Minnie before turning around. "I have some duties to attend to inside the castle, but they'll be completed by the time the Hogwarts Express arrives in London. Enjoy the ride, and please, don't get into too much trouble on the train."


Half an hour later, Harry, Hermione, Padma, Susan, Ginny, Neville, Luna and Anthony were sitting together on the Express, waiting for the snack trolley to come by. However, the snack trolley was not what approached their carriage.

"Well, well, well. What have we here?" came the nasal voice that was far too familiar to Harry.

He looked carefully at his watch as the three most annoying Slytherins came into view. "Is it already time for your daily beating, Draco?" he asked, sounding bored. "Can we make it easier this time so I don't have to get up? I'll make a fist and you run into it. All right?"

Harry's companions laughed while Malfoy sneered, "You think you're funny, but my fath..."

Something snapped in Harry at the mention of that murderer. He jumped up and grabbed Draco by the collar, pushing him against the wall before he could react. "Your vile father didn't stop me from kicking your..."

"Harry!" admonished Hermione as she (along with their other companions) pointed her wand at Crabbe and Goyle, who looked frightened. "Language!"

"I'll call this maggot anything I feel like!" retorted Harry as he pulled back his right fist, getting ready to punch him. Draco closed his eyes with a terrified expression and didn't notice the spell Padma performed on the front of his tan pants, causing a wet spot. "I am SICK of this IDIOT!" He glared at Draco. "Why are you so stupid?! What is wrong with you? If you would just stay away, you'd have nothing to fear from me, but you won't!" Harry rammed his fist straight into Malfoy's nose, which immediately started bleeding.

"Hermione," said Harry in a mocking tone. "Look at that wonderful, pure blood! Isn't it amazing? Aren't you envious of it? Maybe we should collect some." He then pulled the crying Malfoy away from the wall and pushed him into Crabbe, who was standing in the doorway, still looking at the wands pointed at him. They both fell to the other side of the doorway, and Goyle followed them. "Now, stay away from us!" Harry slammed the door shut so hard that the glass broke, and sat down.

"Repairo!" casted Hermione, sounding upset as the door fixed itself. She then rounded on her best friend. "Harry, you should not have done that! You'll get in trouble!"

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