Chapter 32 - Brooms and Hoverboards

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Harry Potter and all characters, etc. belong to J.K. Rowling, not me.

Harry McGonagall – Chapter 32 – Brooms and Hoverboards

"There you are!" exclaimed Hermione happily when she found the compartment Harry and his sister were sitting in on the Hogwarts Express. She rushed forward and kissed him.

"It's good to see you, too, Hermione," greeted Brianna sarcastically while her brother was still kissing the new occupant of their compartment. "I'm doing just fine. Thanks for asking. How are you?"

Shortly after that, the young couple did separate, and Hermione did greet Brianna. However, it seemed quite obvious that neither she nor Harry even heard his sister's comments. They spoke for a few minutes until someone else entered the compartment.

"Hi, Padma," said Hermione, the first to notice she'd entered. "How was your summer?"

"All right," she replied. "I got to see the Quidditch World Cup, which was great, until..."

"We read about it in the paper," stated Harry, "but sometimes the Daily Prophet is a bit...inaccurate. What really happened?"

"Well, I didn't see much because once the trouble started my parents took me, Parv and Lav to a Portkey, but I did see about a dozen Death Eaters floating some muggles upside down."

"A dozen?!" questioned Brianna. "Then why weren't they caught? I read there were hundreds of aurors there!"

"There were," Padma admitted. "That just shows how efficient they are. Head Auror Rufus Scrimgeour must really train them well," she replied sarcastically.

"He probably teaches them to shove their wands up their..."

"Harry, language!" Hermione admonished her boyfriend while the others laughed.

"Anyway," continued Padma, "I know the Daily Prophet talked about deaths, but there weren't any. The Death Eaters were far too frightened to fight anyone but muggle children while the aurors were afraid of them. Somebody set off the Dark Mark and they left."

"Not one of them was caught?" questioned Harry.


"What was the point of that attack, though, I wonder?" asked Hermione.

"Just some old Death Eaters having fun, I guess," replied Padma.

"The Death Eaters' idea of fun is ruining everyone else's," said Brianna. Everyone agreed before changing the subject to more pleasant topics, mostly telling Padma all about the workshop the other three had attended. While they'd written her a bit about it, they hadn't gone into details yet. It seemed that Draco was beginning to learn, because he didn't show up for the whole train ride.


When they entered the Great Hall that night, drenched from the storm outside that was shown in the ceiling of that ancient room, Harry immediately looked to the head table, where he saw his aunt chatting with a new professor. He was very scarred up and had a wooden leg, but what stood out most to Harry was one of the man's eyes. He had one normal eye, but the other was bigger and obviously fake. It was electric blue and spun around in every direction. As he focused on the crazy eye, he realized who it was.

"That must be Mad-Eye Moody," he commented before performing a drying spell on himself.

"The Auror?" asked Hermione, who was also drying herself. He nodded.

"Didn't your aunt tell you she'd hired him?" asked Padma, who saw what they were doing and pulled out her wand.

"I didn't ask her. She's been busy helping plan some secret event she wouldn't tell me about, so I didn't get the chance." They quickly reached the Ravenclaw table and sat down.

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