Chapter 35 - Navigating the Darkness

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Harry Potter and all characters, etc. belong to J.K. Rowling, not me.

Harry McGonagall – Chapter 35 – Navigating the Darkness

A/N Italics in dialogue will usually mean that the speaker is using the French language to express the message I've written in English. As previously stated, I don't speak French and have no desire to butcher that language.


"Lumos!" was the first spell that came into Harry's mind as he tried to look around the complete darkness he'd stepped into. He looked around to see he was in a cave-like tunnel. Whether he was in a real or artificial cave didn't really matter at this moment. All that mattered was that he had to walk forward, keeping an eye out for the Lethifold or Dementor Harry was sure would make an appearance. Because he wasn't feeling the effects of a Dementor, he was fairly certain it would be the other creature attacking him...but from where?

If he used his Patronus charm now, it would give away that he knew what to expect, which would cause all kinds of trouble. Not to mention how difficult it was to sustain. He'd completely wear himself out magically. Then, just as he couldn't sustain it any longer, the monster would make its entrance. In other words, keeping a Patronus with him wasn't an option at this time. Perhaps when he was older he'd be able to handle that, but not today. He took another step forward, not noticing the black cape-like figure silently gliding along the floor about ten feet away from him.


"I hate this...watching and not being able to do anything!" exclaimed Hermione from the stands. She was sitting between Brianna and Brigit watching a huge projection of the event. The audience was watching the pitch black tunnel, only able to see what Harry's light spell revealed, which didn't include his nemesis.

They had previously watched a Lethifold nearly suffocate Krum before he'd managed a Patronus that took the shape of an arctic ice wolf that chased the monster away long enough for Krum to make it through the tunnel, where he was given a silver cube about the size of an apple. With her Omnioculars, Hermione had determined that the object was like a Rubix cube, except that each square had a rune inscribed on it, rather than a different color. She imagined that something would happen if the runes were properly aligned and was looking forward to examining one with Harry after the task was completed, which brought her back to the present.

Harry had just turned a corner in the cave when something jumped out in front of him.


With every step Harry took in the dark tunnel, his heart was beating faster and faster. Although it wasn't hot, sweat was beginning to form on his brow. He could hear a noise in the distance, but couldn't identify it. He was pointing his still-lit wand in front of him when he turned the corner and saw it.

In front of Harry, something was moving on the floor. In the darkness, he couldn't make out its shape except for the golden eyes that almost seemed to glow in the dark. He pointed his wand toward it and was about to fire a curse when the monster in front of him meowed. He moved his wand closer and could see it was a simple black cat, and released the breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding.

He walked around the cat and couldn't help but notice the distant sound he'd heard earlier wasn't so distant. It sounded like flapping wings that were getting closer and closer until he could see a bat flying toward him. He dived to the ground instinctively and watched about a dozen bats fly above him and continue down the cave. He was about to get up when something started sliding onto his body.


"No! Harry; use your Patronus!" shouted Hermione from her seat.

"You do realize he can't hear you, don't you?" asked Brianna without moving her own eyes from the display. She wouldn't admit it, but she was scared, too.

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