Chapter 31 - Summer of Learning

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Harry Potter and all characters, etc. belong to J.K. Rowling, not me.

Harry McGonagall – Chapter 31 – Summer of Learning

"It's good to be home," Harry exclaimed as he crossed the threshold of the house he was raised in, carrying his trunk. He, Aunt Minnie and Brianna had just flooed to O'Hare airport to be met by Mark and Cindy McGonagall, who drove them home. Once the rest of his family was inside and the door shut, Harry put down his trunk and got his wand out of its holster. "Wingardium Leviosa," he said while performing the appropriate swish and flick, causing his luggage to float up the stairs as he followed.

"You don't need to use magic for everything," commented his mom before Brianna followed her brother's example. "It wouldn't hurt you to get some exercise."

"What for?" asked Harry, indicating his slim build. As he walked back down the stairs, it was clear he was not gaining weight to justify a comment like that.

"I'm not saying you're getting fat, Harry, because you're not. I just don't think it's healthy that the only exercise you get at Hogwarts is walking to class, especially since both of you have those special back-packs to make sure your books don't weigh you down."

Turning to his father, Harry asked, "When did mum get obsessed with exercise?"

"I'm not obsessed," she replied.

"She started watching a health program on TV a few weeks ago," explained Mark. "She also bought a treadmill."

"And I think you kids should spend time on it every day this summer."

"WHAT!?!" exclaimed both kids together.

Sighing at seeing their reactions, Cindy walked toward her children. "It's only because I care about your health. I love you both and want you to live long, healthy lives."

Harry turned his face toward his aunt. "Do you think we could go back to England?"


The next morning, Harry was rudely awakened to find out his mother wasn't kidding. "Get up, Harry."

"Er, what?" he asked wearily. "I thought it was summer."

"Good morning," his mom said happily.

"It was until a minute ago."

"It's time for you to exercise."


"Yes, you will, Harry. Now get up."

"Fine, but then I'm going right back to bed."

"That's all right." She then handed him a pair of shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt. "Now, put these on while I get your sister."

It wasn't long afterward that Harry found himself stepping onto the treadmill after doing a few warm-up exercises. "Now, kids, I want you to realize that I am doing this because I love you." Brianna was on an exercise mat and had been told to follow the instructions on a video their mom had purchased. Once the video was done, they'd switch places. "This should be the right speed for you."

The machine started working, causing Harry to start jogging. What Cindy hadn't told the kids was that she was worried about all the trouble that seemed to find Harry, not to mention the new prophecy that said Voldemort would return. It sounded like Harry, and probably Brianna by association, would end up fighting for their lives at some point, and she wanted to help them prepare as much as she could. As she understood it, most of the Death Eaters never did any exercise at all, instead relying on house elves. She thought that being in good shape would give her children a definite advantage in dangerous situations. Besides, it was healthy to exercise like that anyway.

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