Chapter 29 - Meeting Padfoot

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Harry Potter and all characters, etc. belong to J.K. Rowling, not me.

Harry McGonagall – Chapter 29 – Meeting Padfoot

"Good morning, Hermione," greeted Harry as he met his girlfriend in the Ravenclaw Common Room. He was bouncing from foot to foot in a nervous almost-dance. It was the day of the Hogsmeade visit – two days before Valentine's Day. Although they'd gone to Hogsmeade together before, they never celebrated a Valentine's Day as a couple. Harry McGonagall hoped his plans would turn out all right. As usual, he was wearing his bottomless backpack so that he could carry anything they purchased easily.

"Morning, Harry," she replied before giving him a quick kiss.

"Hi, guys," said Padma from behind them.

"Morning, Padma," the couple replied together.

"I guess we should get down to breakfast," their friend commented. "I'm starving."


They quickly made their way to the Great Hall and were immediately accosted by Harry's little sister.

Sighing, Harry asked, "I guess you've got another shopping list for me, Brianna?"

With a grin, she nodded and produced a piece of parchment out of her pocket with a flourish. "Yep."

"Are you gonna pull your money bag out of your other pocket?" he asked as he took the list from her.

"Darn," she replied in mock disappointment. "I keep hoping you'll forget." She then gave Harry a moneybag and the Ravenclaws proceeded to their table. They didn't notice the triumphant smirk on the first-year Gryffindor as Harry stuffed Brianna's list and money into his backpack.

Harry filled up his plate as his sister watched from the Gryffindor table and took the pitcher of pumpkin juice, with the intention of pouring himself a glass. He did not see Brianna flick her wand in his direction while whispering, "Activate," but immediately noticed that his backpack shot up nearly ten feet in the air, carrying him with it and causing him to drop the full pitcher back onto the table, resulting in a huge splash that drenched Hermione and Padma in the orange liquid. He saw that mainly because his backpack pulled him into a position where he was facing his girlfriend.

Harry didn't have time to observe their reactions because loud music began coming from his backpack. After a few seconds, he recognized it as an old Elvis Presley song that his sister was quite fond of – "Baby Let's Play House." The backpack was swaying around, forcing his hips to sway in a manner reminiscent of the 'King of Rock and Roll' as the words and music echoed in the Great Hall.

By now, he'd realized that Brianna's bag of money was causing the movement with something similar to the levitation charm, and that her list was acting as a Howler that she'd obviously recorded using the boom box at C.A.R.E. headquarters, and he was fairly certain that he could stop it. However, there was a small problem. When he opened his mouth to activate his wand holster by saying, "New Sparks," he found that he'd been silenced, so he couldn't call his weapon to his hand. He kept uselessly mouthing the words over and over as his face got redder and redder. That shade of red only increased when he noticed everyone watching him as his body was jerked around by his backpack as the song continued. Hermione appeared like she didn't want to watch but couldn't look away during his performance. He did notice that she'd already scourgified herself so she wasn't dripping with pumpkin juice.

When the song was finally over, he gently floated back to his seat and found out he was no longer silenced when his girlfriend admonished, "Harry, language!" at the colorful metaphors he'd used to describe his sister while the rest of the school was laughing or applauding. He looked around to see Brianna laughing along with everyone else and summoned his wand out of its holster and started to point it at her when Hermione grabbed his hand. "You can't just hex her here!" she hissed. "You'll get in trouble."

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