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It seemed like we drove for hours. I laid down in the uncomfortable tiny space that I had. For a while, I had stared out of the windows to look for the road signs to see where we were going, but since I was looking back I only saw the back of the signs, so no luck.
I grabbed the phone out of my pocket to see if my battery had survived for a little longer and to my surprise it did. 3 percent left should be enough to call the cops, I thought as I eagerly dialed the number and waited. I waited for the first beep to be heard. I waited and waited. Dumbfounded I looked at my phone and stared at my screen wondering if I was living the cliché horror movie moment. Yes, I did sadly, I thought as I saw that my phone had died. Angered I threw the phone to the side.
The trunk only had the two windows in the back doors. On the other side were the car seats, but the upper part was closed off with some sort of board. Faintly I heard people talking and a radio softly playing. Lost in thought wondering about how many of them there were and what they would do to me, I didn't realize at that point that the van had stopped.
The doors opened and instantly I was fully aware of my surroundings again. I jumped straight up at the person who opened the door and tried to tackle them to the floor. They stumbled a little and fell over.
This was my chance.
I crawled over him and put my feet to the ground. I started running, running as fast as I could. Surrounded by a forest I just ran, not caring where to, as long as I was not with those kidnappers.
I would rather be mauled by a bear than being kidnapped by those assholes, god knows what happens then, shot through my head.
Thinking about the wilderness such as bears did kind of scare me and made slow down a bit. Mistakes were made and I felt someone yanking my shirt. "No!" I screamed still trying to get away. I pushed my body to its limit by running faster than I have ever done before. I shrieked when suddenly a person puts his arm around my waist and pulled me to a dead stop while lifting me off the ground. "Let me go, let me go!" I shrieked while bawling my eyes out. "Please no, I didn't do anything to you!" I kicked and clawed at the guy trying to make him let me go.
"Stop fucking resisting, it's not working," the guy groaned. He threw me to the floor and sat on top of me. I put my hands up trying to protect my face and push him off, but in one motion he got both my hands pinned above my head.
"Help me please!" I screamed looking around. Nothing but trees surrounded us. I started hyperventilating from screaming and crying at the same time.
"I can't breathe," I said in panic. "Please help me I can't breathe," I repeated while trying to find the guy's eyes. "Get off me I can't breathe I'm going to pass out," I breathed out.
I could see the guy doubting if it was real or not so I made my eyes roll back into my head. "Please," I whispered trying to be as convincing as possible. He stood up slightly so his body weight wasn't on me anymore, that's when I lifted my knee straight into his balls.
"Aargh," he growled while his hands went to his crotch, his body going limb on top of me. I pushed him off and crawled back up, just to hit my face into another guy's torso.
"Nice try bitch, now, get your ass over here," was all I heard before I got hit on the side of my head with something heavy.

BTS Kidnapped - Faces In The Mirror
FanfictionYou know they're watching you. You sit down in front of the mirror wall and stare into your own eyes. "I know you're there," you whisper. "I hate you," you slam your fists on the mirror. "I hate you I hate you I hate you!" you scream. Tears are fl...