Chapter 8 - The Maid's Tale

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After my hands were all wrinkled up from showering too long I walked back into the bedroom with only a towel around my body. Expecting to find my clothes on the floor where Suga threw them I was surprised by a clean room. On the bed, that was now made, laid a pair of clothes for me to wear.

I quickly put on the underwear, expecting that there were cameras even in this room, and looked at the rest of the clothing.

It looked, well, pretty normal actually. A big sweater with a wide neck and some pair of skin-tight jeans. As I put on the clothes and looked in the mirror I looked alright, most of my bruises were covered, except for the face of course.

The sweater's neck was so wide though that it kept exposing both of my shoulders. After what happened I didn't want anyone to see my body, I wanted to be covered up.

I hate myself, it is my own fault. If I didn't try to escape this would not have happened spooked through my head.

I sat on my bed and looked out of the window, looking at the nature that surrounded the house. I tried to open the window a little to get some fresh air in. It was one of those windows that opened on the top and didn't go farther than a couple of inches.

No way to climb out.

I inhaled some fresh air before I stood up and looked around the room. I walked over to a cabinet and out of curiosity, I opened all the drawers and doors to find them all to be empty as if this room was never in use.

Such a waste of a cabinet I thought as I closed the drawers and doors. I backed off the shelf and let myself drop back on the bed. 

I laid down and stared at the ceiling for a good while before I sat back up, bored out of my mind. I stood up and walked over to the door and twisted the knob, to find out it was actually unlocked.


I opened the door and looked left and right. This room was connected to this very long hallway, with not many other doors. I quietly closed my door and sneaked through the hallway. I entered a staircase and followed it up since I was too afraid to go down, too afraid I would bump into one of them. I kept going up until I reached the top floor. The top floor simply had one door. I opened it and felt the cold air hitting my face.

Roof. Outside.

I went through and enjoyed the feeling of being outside again, being alone. I walked towards the railing and looked at the sky, bright and blue.

The roof terrace was pretty big, it even had a little roofed couch area with some sort of fire pit. I looked back over the railing and looked down. I was high up. The house itself looked gigantic when I stood in front of it, but now it looked even bigger.

Well, mostly higher.

I looked at the trees and saw a bird family with a nest chirping away. I smiled at the thought of being free like that, being able to fly.

I guess I could fly, fly for a couple of seconds.

Without hesitation, I grabbed the railing and climbed over. There was a little ledge where you could stand before plummeting towards your death.

I took a deep breath.

I would be free. 

I wouldn't have to deal with them anymore. 

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